
#projektidoluar | A Home Away From Home Project

NTGravity Zone just started a project about hotels, homestays or B&B [stars does not matter] - especially in Kuching and review it in NTGravity Zone and/or TripAdvisor. 

Goals for this project is to give a first-person info about the place to stay, expectation and the surrounding.

If you want to support / sponsor / donate NTGravity Zone #projektidoluar. Please email to projektidoluar@gmail.com for more info.

Frequently Asked Questions :

☞ ̄ᴥ ̄☞ What is the meaning of #projektidoluar?

#projektidoluar is from local Malay words to 'sleeping outside project' but we choose to called it 'A Home Away From Home Project".

☞ ̄ᴥ ̄☞ Why do you want to start this project?

We would love to give a first-person info about the place to stay, expectation and the surrounding.

We not only give our honest review about the room but also the service. We also will provide you information about hotel surrounding [ halal food, traffic, location, public transport availability etc]

☞ ̄ᴥ ̄☞ Who lead this project?

Our owner, is a former hotelier and love to travel [although she seldom go travel]. She will usually accompanied by her BFF as her second opinion and a small teddy bear name Believe.

☞ ̄ᴥ ̄☞ Who is your target?

Backpackers, any type of traveller, first timer visitor or who ever need information about place to stay according to their needs.

☞ ̄ᴥ ̄☞ What are the benefits from this project?

We hope that #projektidoluar will help people to get ready with information about the place they are about to stay, planning for budgets, transportation necessities, food and many more.

☞ ̄ᴥ ̄☞ Some places have different types of rooms, how do you give information about it?

We always will choose the cheapest price room first to help on-budget travellers / backpackers for they budget.

It's our goal to come back and try other types of room. Currently #projektidoluar is self funding project.

☞ ̄ᴥ ̄☞ Do you have schedule to all places to stay already? 

Currently no, we will try to do it every month [ 2D1N ] and we will choose the place of our stay randomly. Yet, it still depends on time availabilty.


☞ ̄ᴥ ̄☞ Can we invite and sponsor your stay in our place? Will you help promote our place?

First of all, NTGravity Zone accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation. However, the compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog.


.... if you agree with the above sentences so yes. *wink wink*

☞ ̄ᴥ ̄☞ Will you accept invitation outside Kuching?

Sure, we will try our best to accept it.

☞ ̄ᴥ ̄☞ How to contact the blogger?

Email us at projektidoluar@gmail.com with [#projektidoluar] on your subject.

☞ ̄ᴥ ̄☞ Not a hotel owner but would love to help your project?

D'awww~♡♡♡... That's so sweet. 

We do received any forms of help. You can 'Be Our Sponsor' by paying our 2D1N staycation [ more is surely, greatly appreciated ] for 2 person and we will credit your name [or any name you desire] on the blog post.

Email us at ntgravity@gmail.com for more info. *Terms and Condition apply*

☞ ̄ᴥ ̄☞ Where will you publish about the places you already stay?

Tripadvisor and the new upcoming blog #ProjekTidoLuar

...Will add more soon...