


I've started online in 1996 - a real newbie who does not know anything about the internet moreover to built a website! The only thing that i know is Yahoo! [LOL!!]

Well if there's a will, there's a way right? A few months later I've decided to learn the hard way to do a homepage about my favourite guy that time - Kevin Richardson from Backstreet Boys. [i still love them though, Backstreet Boys.. just in case you want to know! 😍 ]

Kevin's World Homepage - a pastel yellow webbie contains 5 pages and lots of animated graphics (a VERY heavy loading site - but i don't know about that before!)

I called it "Confusion Zone"

Well don't blame me.. i'm just a few months old in internet thingee and few weeks old in HTML coding. Luckily somewhere along that period i met an IT expert who is very kind and help me fix my HTML code here and then. 
Sadly I've lost contact with him.. 
(;´д` ) トホホ

*Mr. Zakran, I owed you a lot and i never can thank you enough. May Allah blessed you! Where ever you are...*

What did i use to build my first homepage :

1. HotDog software (on later period) - given by Mr Zakran [ imagine that time cd is still a new thing... and floppy disks in rainbow colours 😜 ]

2. lot's of sources from the internet.. for HTML coding, graphics and background/music

3. an exercise book to jot down things - important notes, password, address and etc.

4. ICQ - to contact HTML Helper when stuck in confusion.. and chatting.. and flirting...
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン!!

extra points... Be patient.. and lots of coffee and enough data credits to go online [especially during FTPing... hahaha]

Here you will see the entrance and the main page for my late Kevin's World that I've re-created for your viewing. 

I never forget how it looks like... it's like first love...


As you can see this is the entrance page - where the visitor needs to click the picture and enter a name to go to the next page and yes, animated lightning with sound! Thrill then! 

This is the main page - loads with animated graphics as the buttons, borders and different music on each page! hahaha... 

It takes me one full month to get it done before Kevin's World is finally open for viewing. I've received few awards, good reviews and comments (not many people LOVE Kevin as he is much older and maybe not so handsome compare to Nick Carter or A.J. McLean back then... lalalala~)

*Sadly i got no proof to back up my story... keep on reading*

I've learned step-by-step about HTML to sharpen my skills.

During this time, i'm using GEOCITIES as my free hosting also known as HomeSteader. Very popular that time because that time - they're using real cities and street addresses then follow by 'housing number'.

Once you are done with registration, your URL 
main page [a.k.a the web address] will show "House Warming" status for few hours for you to upload your stuff and can eventually view it once the period is done.

[That time Geocities are divided into lots of neighbourhoods (actually it's to identify the type of theme of your site) and mine was at www.geocities.com/Sunsetstrip/Amphitheatre/9139.

F.Y.I.: Geocities seems now already ceased to exist on 
October 26, 2009! EXCEPT in Yahoo! Japan.
Update: Yahoo! Japan announced the termination of GeoCities Japan effective March 31, 2019

I was also chosen to attend online training in the process to be one of their 'Community Leaders' in the neighbourhood. It's actually to help and assist newbies or anybody about HTML or anything related to the building a site. Was a good time!

Due to a study (1997), i have to quit Kevin's World. I temporarily have to move out from my parent (well it's my first time going out from my comfort zone a.k.a my home a.k.a. my parents so i SERIOUSLY don't know there is internet outside the big big world too.. too naive! hahaha) 

What happened was, I've deleted my Geocities account and forget about the internet for years. That's was my biggest mistake. During that time, if you delete it - the spot will be vacant and other people can take over the address and 'housing number'.

When i realised that internet cafes are everywhere, i reconnected to my email account. Some asking for new things on my site and where my site has gone. It tore my heart to pieces!!


I've decided to re-built or do a new one... Here are my chronologies in HTML and CSS coding experience.


Due to my new work... i just need to forget about it....  again! *sigh*

Ever since then when i do not been online do not mean i did not do anything. From scratch, i learned to do site walking and by using their site source - i understand more about HTML and CSS. Doing Free-lance creating simple HTML site for students and read few books.

Time fly fast... in the middle of 2003, i'm building a new site. It's about my man 'Jerry Yan' & 'Kaneshiro Takeshi' and when it's open to view - it's like a sanctuary for Jerry Yan's fans because it's in English while most others doing it in Japanese or in Mandarin or other Chinese languages. I don't know where or what went wrong but i believed my site has been hacked by so-called 'Anti Jerry Yan' and the whole site vanished except for some alien words on the main page and a skull! Even after numerous times referring to the developer, they can only help to get the site back, not much but to re-do it again.

MORAL: Please... Never destroyed other people's sites/blogs/whatever. No matter how hateful or whatever you feel towards it. Just leave the blog alone. Please be considerate about the hard work of the people behind the site/blog/whatever - to create, to come up with the ideas, the time, the money they've to spend and many more. Please... Thank You!


Lost ownership for my email. 
I'm using @postmaster.co.uk - a free web-based email since I started my site. I don't use Yahoo! or Hotmail because it's too mainstream! and that time Gmail just started as you need to be invited to get an account, so some verification was inside that mail can't be accessed anymore. 


...again, I've rebuilt a new site about my man 'Jerry Yan' & 'Kaneshiro Takeshi' and also about my favourite job (that time... as a bartender). It's almost 75% done. It's everything i can think about, I've poured my heart and soul. One fine day, my ideas, my creations, my pages...

...has lost because my pc jammed and CRASHED!! 

WARRGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! [even every time i think about it. it's really ticking me off!!]

...stupid old-school pc!! [on my defends - i'm so broke. I don't own any external drive or good up-to-date pc whatsoever...]

Really, i was SO down i almost raised a white flag and stop doing any more site at all [so far as i concerned - the blog is just about to start to hype this year.. or maybe in Malaysia..]


Well, i can't fight my hormone passion in this so after many months, FINALLY, I've worked out very carefully to create my new site [that time i named it Eyezie's Place]. After facing many difficulties - old hosting erasing my site [it's a free site.. they thought i just wanted to take their place as my storage but actually i wanted to upload everything first then all the pages!] Luckily this time i do back-ups for everything! Many many other things until the finale...

The newborn of Eyezie's Place.... (...finally!!)

version 1.0 

version 2.0 (three months later and final)

For this site i'm using :

o SJ Namo Web Editor 6.0
o Adobe Photoshop 6.0
o Paint Shop Pro 7.0
o www.250free.com (now it's death, disappear without notice since 2010. Click HERE to read more)
o Notepad
o Bravenet.com - they have cool tools..
o Coffee!!! Black!! Lots of it!! hahaha

At the same time, I've found Blogger.com around 2004 but never really doing anything with it, i kind of lost my sense of direction about what genre if i want to start blogging. I just registered and that's it...

Until a few months later, i was in a state of uncertainty and i need a place where i can rant without anybody care or judge or whatever. That's how my motto started...

[T]he [R]ant [O]f [C]hivalrous [K]uching [Girl

a.k.a The ROCK Girl.. yeahh yeahh \m/ \m/

Now, i think this is where i finally staying. At first, i want to stay as an anonymous writer/blogger but what the heck!! LOL~!!

Flashback -

When i started this blog, I've named it Anti Gravity Zone. Years before that, when chatting in mIRC/ICQ/where ever, my nickname was anti_gravity. I've continued using that nick anywhere i could - and my big break was when i volunteered to take part as a virtual DJ at a social forum that's when i just fall in love with that nick if i could register as my trademark i will!

And i continue with this nick as i start my new life Friendster and of course, with Bloggers.com. I proudly named it Anti Gravity Zone - i even quoted the lyric from Incubus (Anti Gravity love song) in my description.

With no specific genre in my mind I've had published my inaugural entry Explosive Exposure on 24th September 2004 and the rest is HerStory. 

reBirth Of NTGravity Zone

One day i try to look for my blog on the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) both Yahoo! and Google - the result i have was an exclamation mark on the back of my link, an indicator to visitors that my blog might contain bad link/hate page/virus(!!).

After numerous actions are taken - by using HTML checkers - both offline and online, change the description and some other more i can't remember. Long story short, I've changed the name to NT Gravity Zone instead.

Well, I've just created my own identity! Try Google or Yahoo search me by keyword 'ntgravity'

Travel and Event Blogger

On January 2011, i got my first 'event' under +Sarawak Bloggers Society - 
TRIBES CONNEXION [PART ONE] - it's an International Tattoo Convention.

...and Fahrin Ahmad [Read HERE] is my first ever celebrity to selfie with me for my blog. Melting moment for me...

Ok i lied... My first selfie with my favourite actor + director + singer... hehehe... but i didnt blog about it... so it didnt count.. hahah... #myblogmyrule 😜

Sorry shaking due to nervousness!

Since then i have covered quite a number of events under Sarawak Bloggers' badge and so proud with it. From the bottom of my heart,

Thank you very much Sarawak Bloggers Society!! #salute

Skin / Layout Revolutions

Anti Gravity Zone version 1.0 - circa 2004
Anti Gravity Zone version 2.0 - around 2009 / 2010

NTGravity Zone ( since 2012)

NT Gravity Zone ( since 2013)

NT Gravity Zone ( since 2015)

NTGravity Zone (since 2017)

Current layout for NTGravity Zone (since 2021)

Last but Not Least

I love being a Blogger. I found a place where i can just write what i want to, just like a diary (that's the basic of blog.. hahaha)

I hope i will stay and keep it alive with my own story...

This are my pointers to be a blogger (but if it's against your liking, please ignore):

☂ Putting auto-run sound/music/video is actually a turn-off to certain of people.

☂ Baby language, Alien language and short forms (sms style) - try to avoid

☂ As long as you do your blog/entry honestly it's always BETTER than copied/pasted! Copied/pasted actually BETTER than steal and claimed self-ownership... (but please.. have some dignity! Write your own entry/topics/whatever..)

☂ Watermark your photos - although your photo taken by your phone. You never know what people will do with your photos without watermark it.

☂ If must taken others's photos or info - please inform the owner or/and credit to the respective owner.

☂ Blogging is not about fame and to gain tons of followers...<-- my personal view. I just wanted a real reader and real followers that not just click 'Follow', 'Like' and be forgotten.

☂ Blogging might generate some ka-ching! but please dont manipulate it by forcing visitor to click or join it! Try to give some information about the product before invite you visitor to click the link.

So that's it... my story!!

NTGravity : Moral of this story, never give up and keep on learning from trials and errors... That's life!


Link that you might want to check it out :