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Hi... Let me bored you all about myself…
Responded if you call me 'Aliey' or 'Eyezie'.
Born on the same date and month with Leonardo Di Caprio but he is 5 years older than me…
really love to watch cartoons [actually a bit picky on which cartoons to watch but usually ended t.v marathon in front of the tube! cant helped it.. haha]
Garfield, Goofy, Donald Duck, Sesame Streets character.. just to name a few of my cartoons’ favourite.
i'm a Tsundere kind of person... [Meaning Here]
A survey told me that i'm 50% bad, 25% nice & 25% everything else... hmm...
A really Hotlink user since 1999
....with different numbers.
Took a 6 months intensive class to learned speaking Mandarin [2004] but I've lost the skill because of lack of practice…
...just because i want to watch Meteor Garden [specifically Jerry Yan] talking without reading the subs... —
I have a dream to be in - Disneyland...
...Actually i would love to spend my holidays at Madame Taussud, London.. and watch my 12 (and more) favourite man at Anfield... Hopefully both!!

By the way, I’m a proud supporter for Liverpool FC...

I'm a lefty and proud to be it.
I usually wear my watch on right hand…
I love doing video - you can check it at Youtube or Vimeo
Love Sports - mostly by watching it…
Love word S-L-E-E-P and doing it..
I LOVE CATS!! I am A Crazy Cat Lady!

I have a big brother and a younger sister….
Favourite hang out | Cafes, Libraries, Book Stores and anything ended with gallery…
Favourite Colours | Blue, Black, Dark Red and Wood colour
Never successful in love yet… #foreveralone
If you have listened to a song “Burn” by Usher - that’s exactly how my last relationship is in 2008... change 'she' to 'he'...
I wish to have a relationship like 'Fran Fine and Mr Sheffield in ‘The Nanny series'... love the series too!

Reading or writing Novel is my other passion.. in progress creating my first Malay novel...
I believe people under zodiac Scorpio are ‘VEWI‘ romantic person!
Read about Scorpio >>>HERE<<< that's so me...
Mostly my friends, best friend or my close friends are Guys..
...and i dont know why...
Me as in The Sims 3 Traits :
Cat Person, Adventurous, Artistic, Bookworm, Born-Salesman, Clumsy, Computer Whiz, Couch potato, Eccentric, Friendly, Grumpy, Hot Headed, Hydrophobic, Natural Cook,
Heavy Sleeper, Hopeless Romantic, Night Owl, Perceptive and Shy.
My ideal first date is go Dutch for a relax-and-nothing-too-fancy dinner and maybe go watching movie, share the popcorn... will go from there...
Current passions - Karaoke, Food [Burger enthusiast], Photography, Photoshop, Proshow Producer and Blogging.
Agent Gracie Hart in ” Miss Congeniality ” is the closest character to describe me.. | sometimes - i might eat like her.. hahahaha
Blue hair gothic girl is my alter-ego character... with long thick hair.
I love sweet, warm, vanilla and woody scent... my most favourite perfume is Thierry Mugler - Angel.
That's it!! Peace and God Bless!!
NTGravity : it's to know one, it's to love one...
Haiiittttt! (‐^▽^‐)オーホッホ