
Explosive Exposure

[ Click to Listen and Sing-A-Long - The Reason from Hoobastank ]

Once upon a time... 

I fall in love with an opposite sex who love to turn me as perfect as this person wanted to.. 
My circle of friends... From head to toe, how I dressed up, my hairstyle, the way I walk, the way I move.. Even the way I eat! 
At first, i thought this person is really - a perfectionist. Well from the way this person changed me, you should get the picture of how this person is...

I still remember - we ever quarrel only because I wear wrong style of sandals to match my clothes.. or the wrong colour - from this person's view. 

That's how serious this person is...

When I just about to get the hang of it..., I wonder why all this while this person always changing partners before me... Why the kindness attitude towards ONLY popular or important people... Finally, I found out that THAT person needs somebody to be used to as 'something'... The opportunistic.

Without friends, families, lovers to supports that particular person is Nothing! Just a plain and normal like me who do the normal thing...

So, I dumped this 'PERFECT' person on the street as I walk away, laughing... Maybe flying... HaaHHAAHaaa

Ntgravity : Be true to your heart...

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