
3 Days, 3 Celebrations, 3 Circles and The Final Three

May Peace Be Upon You...

Oh my, November is always my favourite month... Wanna know why...?

Actually *MY* birthday but bingo, Sherlock~❤️ *ruffled his hair*
p/s : By the way.. i love Sherlock character [from Sherlock series] and for this entry you will see more of him... #myblogmyrules hahaha... ok moving on...

My initial plan this year for my birthday is no plan at all. Just a short staycation and just hang out doing nothing, no celebration whatsoever.  A typical forever alone introvert person.. hahaha...

Yeah pretty much like this.. but with lots of food and binge-watching movies maybe.. hahaha 😂
No planning beats The Mercy God's planning - perfectly lay out for me at number THREE.

Praised to Allah, as this is my final 3 series-years-old i'm blessed with 3 birthday celebrations on 3 consecutive days at 3 different locations with 3 circles that important to me. 

I rarely talk about celebrating my birthday in my blog but this time... i can't hold back!

▶▶▶  Celebration #1 | 09 November 2018 ◀◀◀

Located at one of our favourite western food - Alfresco Wine | Dine, Kuching - an after work gathering plus supper with my [current and ex] teammates a.k.a Beloved Locos doing what we all love...

Loving the chandelier.
I was busy earlier the evening doing my own stuff, running some errands and meeting people. I kindda thought i might reached there fashionably late... just to make my own entrance. #flipekorshawl

Nahhh didnt freaking happen. LOL!

Although i know there will be a birthday cake [wait for it] and possibility of they singing 'Happy Birthday' song but i thought it all will happen after we finish eating.  You know the usual dessert after meal..

or we just hang out with couple of drinks while eating some cake... and talk.


..they managed to surprise me.  

so..., A birthday cake?

pffft.... hahaha...

Cake Number One | A blast from the past.. almost look like my last year birthday cake also from my Beloved Locos
Cake Number One A | i totally forgot about the flower flake if it's actually rose petals. Oh thick fresh cream frosting! Love it!
[Nota kaki : Saya tidak mengamalkan sebarang pemakaian susuk cucuk tang sini.. ternyata ini muka suci dari apa yang kau bayangkan... hahahahaha...]

On the same time, Facetime with  my lovelies in Miri and KL 💙💙💙
Steal this from one of my locos's instastory. Seriously love candid photo!
What a celebration without food right...? Here goes...

Cheesy chicken chop and Three Layer Iced Milk Tea [in Local : Teh Peng Special]
I'm having a good time, indeed! I have people that i'm comfortable to go full loco with, good food, cool place to hang out and sing! Never thought that early birthday celebration is doable.

To whom that organising this, the one that paying my food and drink, that go all the trouble - Love you to the moon and back! 
My awesome work teammates aka the crazy ones aka Beloved Locos. 
Thank you, Sherlock.. I'll blow it later...

▶▶▶  Celebration #2 | 10 November 2018 ◀◀◀

NTGravity Zone has started a home away from home project called #ProjekTidoLuar and on the eve of my birthday i get to go for a 2 days 1 night staycation at Merdeka Palace Hotel & Suites, Kuching.

Thanks to the Merdeka Palace Hotel & Suites management for their kindness and arrangement - i've received their famous marble cheese cake as my birthday gift...

and also for hosting my eve birthday dinner [with #ProjekTidoLuar entourage] at their Italian restaurant the Ristorante Beccari. I have sooo many to say so i have dedicated two entries about the hotel.

Keep on reading...

Cake Number Two | Yummy, jammed pack with cream cheese. You also can get it a whole cake or in slices at Seattle Coffee, ground floor of Merdeka Palace Hotel & Suites.
It's a four-course set that already prepared for us by Kitchen team. Thanks to the restaurant manager, Mr Syed Ali and his team for looking after us that night.

Seafood Salad with my all-time favourite mocktail - Shirley Temple.

the creamy Mushroom soup
I've chosen - Seabass fish as my main course. A simple and comfort meal that comes with mashed potato and grilled vegetables. I love it so much! 
My entourage chosen the sirloin steak and it's delicious. 
our dinner concluded with a plate of Crepe Suzzette. Simple dessert come with orange sauce top with vanilla ice cream. Just nice!
Remembering the Italian chef that first bring in this menu years ago to this hotel, the late Chef Vittorio Tomas. 

More story of #ProjekTidoLuar at Merdeka Palace Hotel & Suites :

Trip Down On The Glorious Memory Lane [Read]

Trip Down On The Glorious Memory Lane 2 [Read]

▶▶▶  Celebration #3 | 11 November 2018 ◀◀◀

The finale of my birthday celebration is of course with my family. This year we celebrate it at Sharing Planet, Stapok. Another favourite place for western food. Quite a portion at affordable price. Prefer to book the seat ahead as the place always full-house.

Thanks to my sister for organising it. Muaahhh~💋
Cake Number Three | Love the choice of colour of this thick fresh cream frosting cake!
As usual photo op over everything... hahaha

with my Mader, Brother, Fader, Lil' Sis and her awesome army kids.
Trivia : November also the birthday month for my elder Brother and a little princess aka my niece. 

Chicken chop with cheese.

▶▶▶  Encore | 12 November 2018 ◀◀◀

Thought it's over? No quite.. hahaha

A slice of my favourite Salted caramel cheese cake from Secret Recipe courtesy from my boss [Rafiza] and a colleague [Melody].  

Happy face of mine and photobombed by my colleague.

║♥║  ║♥║  Appreciation Shout Out ║♥║  ║♥║  

Bismillah ["In the name of Allah"]....

I would love to say Thank You very much to :

║♥║ Mercy Allah SWT... for giving me guidance and strength to continue on. For all the blessings that have been given to me...

║♥║ My workmates from Switch Vivacity [past or current lineup], my backbone in this retail industry without them i'm nobody as usual.

║♥║ Sherlock... *ruffled his hair* for coming to my life...

║♥║ My Family [Fader, Mader, Big Bro and Lil Sis]

║♥║ My Wonderful Souljas - though we all apart but i still love you all.. never forget that!

║♥║ all my beloved NTGravitians [NTGravity Zone's readers and followers] You rock!!

║♥║  Extended family and friends in all social media platforms - thank you for the birthday wishes.

NTGravity : Birthday girl signed off for now...

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