
LoSt AnD FoUnD


I missed some of my friends but I couldn't get to see them yet due to time and work. Not to forget old school and childhood friends... I lost my cellphone in 2007 and lost most of my important information... so if u think u know me, just give me a buzz ok... Send me a text or something... I'm sure will reply back.

I would love to share a story about a new friend of mine, let's called him Vilan, who was born in Kuching and raised in LA, USA. We met at the Kuching International Airport end of May when I'm sending my parents for their flight and Vilan just arrived from Kuala Lumpur. It's kind of funny actually how we met...

I met Vilan for the first time when I bumped into him... I mean a real bumped to his trolley and drop one of his huge baggage. I was so veRY VERY embarrassed and quickly pick up his massive heavy bag - apologies and walk away.

Cursing myself for 'goofy-ing' in public place like that, I hide awhile at the cookies shop, pretend to buy some cookies.. well, I did buy some!
(Side note: Those cookies are yummy 'giler', although i don't really like sweet thingee... I know myself is sweet enough already... huah huah huah!!)

Never met him again since that...

If I'm not mistaken, 2 weeks later we met again at KFC. He happens to sit right next to my table... andddd he remembers me so we introduce ourselves and have a pleasant chat...

Since that day we often meet somewhere just to hang out...

*truly lost*

I've asked him why come back to Malaysia instead of staying in US, he told me - he'd stayed in US for the last 30years and enjoy being there very much but he has lost one thing in the family - connection *phew*. 

Back in US, when he is 12 years old he left home for boarding school and by age 18 years old for college.. he didn't have much time at home except for Christmas but that time he's cool with it - no curfew, no grounded, no sharing things with siblings, more independent and whole lots more! 
When he grew up as an adult - he earns a good job but ends up being a jerk - no manners, lost of culture and not even nice to his own family so the tied is finally broken... 

One day, Vilan's father passed away... he is devastated as his old man was Vilan's best friend when he is still a kid and lately he has been forgetting about him...


Then he resigns from his work and moves back to Malaysia with one mission - ... meeting he's late father's families that he never met... The good part is Vilan's late father had a twin brother! For Vilan it's like given a second chance...

*lost again...*

Now - after a while, i didn't get to see him anymore...After I've changed my works and I lost his number so I just want to wish him the very best of lucks!! Where ever you are, bro!

NTGravity : it's a circle of life that we will meet and depart... so let's cherish this link of friendship while it last...

*so.. do you aware that this entry has no graphic or photo? lol*

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