
Going to Japan with AirAsia Free Seats!

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NTGravity Zone is participating AirAsia Free Seats Contest and my dream festival is...

Gion Matsuri (祇園祭)

The festival of Yasaka Shrine, is the most famous festival in Japan. It takes place over the entire month of July. There are many different events, but the grand procession of floats (Yamaboko Junko) on July 17 is particularly spectacular. Very enjoyable, are also the festive evenings preceding the procession (Yoiyama).

[Source From : japan-guide.com ]

[ Gion Matsuri At Night | Source From : japan-guide.com ]
[ Day Parade | Source from : All Japan Tours ]
[ hand-tube Fireworks - Toyohashi Gion) | Source from : National Geographic

Throughout history, Japan has suffered many times from serious epidemics, floods, fires, earthquakes and recently tsunamis. These were always viewed as signs that the ''gods'' and ''goddesses'' were not happy. To appease the deities and pray for the deceased, goryo-e rituals were held which over time, developed into festivals associated with a certain shrine. The Gion Matsuri, one of Japan's oldest goryo-e festivals, is strongly connected with Yasaka Shrine (also known as Gion Shrine).

[Source from : Kyoto Visitor's Guide ]

It reminds me of Gawai Dayak festival here in Sarawak, it's a thanksgiving day for a bountiful harvest that year (and years ahead) to their ancestors. The one that I ever watched - more than 12 years back (at my friend's village) was for Bidayuh society in Bau, Kuching - ritual started from 31st May involved singing and chanting up to the next day at the river while sacrificing a chicken, a shaman and his entourages recites a chants to ask for guidance, blessings, and a long life. Very nice to see.. even the traditional music they played also very soothing.

Too bad, that ritual (the one that i watched few years back) is almost forgotten due to the passing of their elders...

Well i can't say much yet about the Gion Matsuri festival yet as i need to witness it first right... Wish me luck, so i can blog about it and share my experience to you all! #PenuhHarapan

I hope i'll be chosen (for the free seat) to attend this festival next year... If i win, it's gonna be my first time travel out from Malaysia... Although last year i did travel out from Malaysia for 2 hours (across border Limbang - Brunei - Lawas for my Ba' Kelalan experience.. Read Here )

Ganbatte ne! <--- for myself... hahaha

NTGravity : It's so nice to learn about other cultures one awhile...


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2 Rants Found

  1. I read many posts about this contect... Why does most people wanna go Japan ho?

    1. Yekaaa.... huhu.. i thought mostly people prefer to go Korea....


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