
The MAGIC Words

It's not abra-ca-da-bra... It's not hokus-pokus..

I've been in this situation before... many, many times... 
For me, it needs real courage and a whole heart that really believe it before we say it. 
The right time and the right person [at that time] of course.. Or that Magic word will disappear into thin air unanswered or the Magic word backfired and will give opposite results... heartbroken!

I remember one of my previous failed relationships...

We've been into a good relationship - almost perfect! but if anybody asked me - I don't know what to say - we never declared anything.. it just started and keep on going... healthily. Like close friend but closer... and more.

Do we need to declare by the way?

Are we going to be just like that only? 
Shall we get married soon? 
Or shall we get engaged after the fifth[y] dates? 
Are we just friend [with benefit]?? 
Or maybe let's go slow step - by - step [...like baby steps]?

For me, I need a declaration to build a relationship. I need to know where do I stand...

Don't we all? 

I've tried to give a little nudge with e-cards,text, talking and a lot more... Thank God - the 'other side' seems to give the same vibe.

Until one day... 

After we have done with our dinner, the other side sends me home and before I opened the door, I've said it!! That magic word! Even with sweaty palms, I felt so relieved because I say it with my all heart!

..but what happen to the other side?

---- Line Is Not Connected. If you get what I mean---- 
(>_<!!) facepalm!

so I continue my word with the food like '...i mean I love you bring me to dinner tonight. Food is awesome! Good night!' 

I thought that I've tried too hard but actually, I've tried my best. For a certain period of time still nothing. Even we still go out like we used to but that topic seems to be untouchable.

We did go a separate way for a while due to work but still in touch every now and then. 

Weeks after that the incoming text seems to slow down.. my side, yea, I step aside and give him THAT space, but that butterflies seem gone too.

Months after that, 'the other side' just realised his feeling to me but it's too late.  Being realistic, I already gave up and move on in my life already....

Kinda met someone new by then... 

Do not take too long to figured something in your heart or head.. or.... nevermind~!

To all lover who needs motivation... Listen to this song below...

NtGravity : For me to anti gravity need a magic word too...

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