
When love and hate collide

Love is beautiful.. Falling in love is sweet.. Being loved are great..

Hate is ugly.. Hating somebody is bad.. Being hated by somebody is worst..

I met my latest interest somewhere around 2005 without any personal feeling at that moment. This person was, like, all out to get me. Well, his mission accomplished!! I think i'm experiencing love again.. 

For the first 12 months i live in a very interesting moment... We have our worst and best moment. We seem to have the chemistry of a perfect couple - matching in any form like a perfect jigsaw puzzle. I felt I've met my soul mate *finally*

For the next 12 months later - I'm living a stressful life - it's like living in video with you push the rewind button. I got into the same situation again and again. We fought, we quarrel, no more loves, no more hugged, no more hold the hand. The chemistry is totally wrong at all. Totally ph imbalance. 

Even I ever wished never to meet him at all! *sigh*

There's one fine day, we have another raw. It's really bad until people close to us thought they gonna see the break-up scene soon. 

We stopped talking or doing things we use to do. 
I have a feeling it's going to end just like that.

In this love war, I think I'm a fighter and a lover but a very tired one.

NTGravity: When love Kills Love...


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