Chasing Butterflies in Your Heart
Some people thought they found their so-called true love at first glimpse…
Some people didn’t even know that somebody is in love with them…
Some people didn’t even notice that somebody is waiting for them…
Then again…
Some people get hurt at their so-called first love…
Some people broke up to find new true love…
Some people didn’t even know that they're hurting somebody else’s feeling…
Some people didn’t even notice that somebody is hurting… for waited too long…
Okay… Stop all the mushy words. Enough of this soap opera already… Like I like it so much!! *flips hair*
..No, it’s a lie. Let's continue…
What do you expecting in a relationship?

Lots of good gifts?
Nice flower?
Get alone together vacation?
To be honest, sincere and everything nice?
Good clothes and bling bling?
Whatever it is… everybody has their opinion, yup?
Me? I try not to expect much...
What I mean here – I don’t need to be spoilt with things every time. Yes, I love to be pampered though. To be spoilt like a small girl especially with love and attention.
It makes me feel special – like having butterflies in your stomach.
Well, its kind of lame does it? Of course, when you involved with somebody you’ll sure get that attention…
Wrong there.
People tend to give less attention to their love ones, especially when the relationship going steady, Yes, they do love still but sometimes due to work, everyday activities and erm, world crisis maybe, some couples they thought they understand each other better. So it’s like, you know, ‘Oh, don’t worry he/she will understand’. Or ‘I’ll buy you something nice when I get home soon.’
Yet, taking the other half for granted? Please don't do that.
This kind of issue it’s like a generator to breakups and sort. Those things make unhappy couples. Unhappy couples produce lots of bad things like two-timer, unfaithful, dishonest, spreading lies, empty promises and etcetera…
When bad things happen – suddenly love turns to hate or worst, hatred. Suddenly there’s no perfect couple on earth. Even cupid gave up pairing people!
You ask me?
Been there done that. Get dumped… Horrible isn’t it?
To me – up to past and present experiences, every couple need to speak up their mind. I mean heart-to-heart or face-to-face or whatever you called it as long as it works well. Yeah, nobody’s perfect… it’s a sacred word.
I believe in honesty. I believe in being honest to one and another will make my relationship strong. No lies or keeping secret, it’s a key to success. How can it be done? Well, it takes two to tango. Either party has to participate or it won’t work at all. To me, make mistakes is good in developing trust and understanding. Possessive is exceptional but over possessive is a turn-off. Trust me, it’s tempted.
How? Don’t ask me… It’s for me to know and for you to find out. Just remember that your partner is a mere stranger when you met them. They have their own opinion, style, character and all before you came into their life.
To me, being yourself is not good enough though change yourself to somebody else neither. There’s no perfect answer for that. Unless if you have – do tell.
Like a normal couple, mine so far so good. Although there are some hiccups in the relationship. Happens every time, yes? Hmmm… :)
My friend did ask me… How do I know I’m in love with that particular guy? My answer?
Ask the butterflies…
This how bad I am in drawing...! Hahahaha |
NTGravity : Don’t drink too much coffee before bedtime. It’s a drag… See what happens to me? Hahahaha... Do you even understand what I'm talking about?
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