
( ( ( ( All the air that i breathe ) ) ) )

I admit that I am an urban style person... I live most of my life in the city and so far, love it... I can't really give any reason "why" as in the city I can get whatever thing I wish for but actually because I'm used to it! 

I really missed my childhood memories when my big brother and friends and me playing outdoor activities - camping, get into the mud, into a jungle, climbing here and there and whole lots of childish things... I strongly agree that childhood should be a fun moment, apart from tuitions, tuitions and more tuitions! Kids in this era mostly fear the sun and 'stupid' outdoor games. Nowadays I rarely see that anymore in my area or in the place where I live... they're more IT savvy and English fluent kind of generation now... more educated... which is very good - lesser poverty and illiterate citizens..something to proud of, but I don't really fancy kids too clever... hahaha.. irritating.. *no offence, kiddo!*

Lately, thanks to a friend, I got the chance to return to nature after numerous years... Breathing fresh air, be near to the sea and give me the guts to search for a long lost friend... I personally think we should go more to a suburban area or 'resort'... I really found peace of mind by doing that - less traffic, less both air and noise pollutions get back to nature and old-timer civilization... I feel good doing it once in a while. One of the good things live in a suburbs- everybody knows everybody... 

The first time I went back - the first breath was amazing... almost shed my tears, it's touched my heart so deeply. The scenery was breathtaking... speechless... ((ok that exaggerate..)) Ha-ha... anyways, I’ve met my long lost friend - Ms Jamayah Bujang... I got to know her when the school term almost finish. We exchange address and picture because that's her final year in that school. I’ve tried to send a letter to her but it bounces back to me - I thought the postman couldn’t send it due to the area was consider a small province... 
As time goes by, grow up and start working - I didn’t give much thought about it... until last January 2009, when I told myself - just give it a try. The most she will not remember me or move to somewhere else. With the only photo I have in keep - I start to look for her and it's so easy because as I said, everybody knows everybody and to my surprise - she still remembers me and even knows my name!! I love that moment... by that time, I got to know her and her family all together, very nice!

so it's boosted my adrenaline to find more of my childhood or old school friends in the future... because as far as I know, it brings back happy memories.. don’t you think its fun? Give me buzz...

NTGravity : I love meeting people - old friends or new... but I'm poor in keeping the friendship on... in terms of updating, keep talking, connection and all... Please forgive me... Ok?

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