
What Are Yours?

Big Boys Girls Toys

Yep... it's not about a teddy bear or lego set or vibrator... ( maybe for certain girls.. but let's not discuss that here... huhu)

What're my favourite toys?

I got three faves which I love dearly - my make up sets, my Nokia 7610 and 9300i communicator...

What?? Old School? So what... it's not the latest 3Gs thingee but I love those...

Like my 7610, when it 1st came into my hands as my birthday present last 2007... Was a helpless, boring and uncool handphone compare to my N70 which was lost in the same year... But then, surf in the net and found lots of cool applications and now my 7610 were as savvy as my previous N70 (except those 3G... lalala) Well, 'nuff said I'm quite happy with it!

9300i Communicator 

- erm no much to brag about because this phone quite versatile as it is.. the downside was no camera and I have to browse manually each folder to opened the file.. but the beauty is the WiLan connection... I can say it's like a supermini laptop... now I'm trying to upgrade and transform it to E90.. hahahahah!! Get money...

Makeup - i considered this as toys for me and it's my favourite... I loved putting colours on my un-pretty face ( actually I know i'm quite cute and sweet... hahaha... no, don't puke here plz.. I hate to get my blog in messed...yak yak!) Anyways, I got this crazy habit especially when I browse into 'Avon' catalogues.. yet, I've still longed to owned makeup magic tools - Brushes. I do have some but it's not as good as those Makeup Stylist have... cuz it's quite expensive.. to me, when you trying to put up some makeups on your face - it's not just pressed powder, lipgloss and mascara... it's like a ritual and it's kinda fun when you experiment with colours and stuff.. which is which.. love it!

Hmmm, I got new addition.. my humble Iswara - I called it 'Anfield' hahahaha... So what?

There's other like PS2 which i shared with my big brother and little sister.. Which not much to proud of... because i seldom play games lately and usually get bored and find easy way to complete game - using cheat or gameshark! hahaha

NTGravity : Looking forward for PSP slim, Sony Laptop and Sony Ericson W910i (which my sister dah 'sambar' 1st...!) or Nokia 6110 Navigator and Nokia E90 which still cost a fortune!) and Cool gadgets for my 'Anfield'.... Wish me luck!! ::


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