
BuLL's EyEs!!

I hope it's not too late to wish everyone...

''A Very Happy 2009... Hopefully, all your resolutions become Evolution of Prosperities of Health and Wealth..''

my resolutions this year...

X) lose weight... (my forever repeated resolution.. hehe)

X) get independent (from my beloved ex-to-be bf)

X) be a wonderful single lady...

X) to keep all my resolutions and get it done, perhaps!? hahahaha

here goes... it's all mission impossible for me - more like me against my old self.. so give me moral support ok? huhu...

*Memoir of Two Thousand and Eight*

Lots of things happening to me this year...

2008 has witnessed my determination of job hunting.. I've searched high and low for a comfortable job that can support me, my hubby and a bit to my family... 
:: Please be informed that 'my hubby' was a car :: 

I've gone through hundreds of interviews of the various job opening and even willing to travel as far as Australia... Crazy me, well what can I say, huh? Two Double-O Eight also witnessing those below :

*Most Saddest Moment*

When my sweetheart starting to neglect me... and putting double standard just because of my size and my monthly dough (money)! Towards the O-eight he'd become distant and I was left out from most of his event.. lesser calls, let alone text messages... I get very lonely and tired of pursuing him.
:: You know what baby, I still love you till now and always will but I guess I gonna love you and leave you...::

*Most Craziest Happiest Moments*

I have two of those...

1st - 
I've met a bunch of crazy boys who brighten my day. Their jokes, pranks and everything in them is addictive!! Even when we have gone overboard - get into rows but well that's hiccups in friendship and the next day (or crazier, in a minute then) we start new all over again! I can't even tell which was the best... All I know when I get to know them and then experiencing the most simple and recommended 'Young Restoration Program' on earth is...

...Laugh! haha...

they are:

Crazee Joe (Master in Pranks and stuff you don't want to know.. haha.. Besides, he is like a 'Big Brother' because we all always end up followed his lead.. LOL)

Funky 'Sakit King' Ndru ( jangan mawah!)

Pinky and the Brain (a.k.a Gendik & Sadam)

Brainiac Apai (Guru in Sports thing... should sit next to or at Shebby place... hehe)

Cheeky Onel ( All the manja and cubitan... waduhhh)

Tough Ray ( Couldn't tell what put him 'tough')

Hantu Tinggi Luis ( Well, haha, he is the tallest..)

Some other boys like Aaron, Ah Seng, Joelly, Mudinz, Logis, Charles, Laylek, Boy and Josh :: if I missed out on names, very sorry ::

And oh yea, before I forget;

Macho Vic (i wonder where on earth is he now)...

:: You know who you are, bros'! ::

Thank you for all the time we spent- I never get enuff...

2nd -
was when I got out from trouble I'd started... Thank you to my loving Mader [Read: Mother] for helping me... I was strangled in between ambitious and fantasy and get me into deep sh*t! :: whoops, pardon my word there! :: The worst part I drag my friend too... And when it's solved I was on top of the world... It's like Chinese New Year, Christmas, Hari Raya and Birthday comes all in one!!! and I vow not to get myself into those again no matter what!

* Life After '08*

I'm coming 30 this year... Wow!! A big three and O! Even my maturity and self - thinking develop smoothly towards that age but still, I'm a little girl trapped in a 29-coming to-30 body... Hahaha!! Who loves to be pampered and attention. Although I'm about to lose the love of my current life i get to point of sense now - life GOT to move on... and if he can't appreciate me for being myself then he didn't deserve me altogether! Right-to!! GIRL POWER!!

NTGravity :  That's quite impressive wasn't it? *wink! wink!* ::


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