
6 Steps Deep-fried Sausage Rolls

Hello... hello...

I'm actually on my way to updating this blog, there are few outstanding entries that i need to write...

Unfortunately... i'm stuck between lost words, unsorted photos and grumbling in my stomach... so i'm heading to the kitchen instead.. hopefully, some ideas will emerge there! *yeah right!*

This is what I've done... yup this is an impromptu food recipe entry... LOL...

Deep-fried Sausage Rolls is really easy.. recommended to all busy mummies ( i mean, mothers... mama... ibu.. ), single (like moi! hmmm...) or to the newbie in the cooking world... Or even if you plainly hungry and going to 24hours fast-food joint was not in your list.

In 6 steps, you will be making a simple yet delicious snack! Ready?

Ingredients as the photo below...

Each sausage for each bread... so you can make as many as you want... if you want to slice the sausages in half, it's up to you!

Beat egg with seasoning - egg quantity depends on your bread. In the photo above, i'm using an egg only.
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Flatten bread by using a rolling pin or round glass or anything solid and round. This is to prevent the bread from tearing or breaking.

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Wrap the sausage in the flattened bread and roll it!

p/s: if you want to add slice cheese.. wrap it with the sausage and roll together with the flattened bread. Do not add any sauce!

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Slice the rolls into three... or two...

p/s: this step is optional, you can just deep-fried as it is...

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Dip it in the egg... 

p/s: if you have spare bread crumbs in your cabinet or fridge... Cover it after dip in the egg.

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Deep fry it... but not too long..!

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serve it with any of your favourite sauce or dressing....

Easy right? By the way, all photos taken by using Asus Zenfone 5... what do you think?

NTGravity: om nom nom nom nom nom.....

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6 Rants Found

  1. This is perfect and fast for a teatime snack! awesome! bila u roll the sausage in the bread, nya sik buka nak? and sausage ya mentah ka? I always buy the one they sell at CityOne tepi escalator tingkat 2 kah... tapau pakai masuk nanga wayang.

    1. @Coffee Girl

      yup..! as long as the bread flattened, nya sik terbuka... but if you need to be sure... sapu kit di hujung bread some egg...

      i mun dah bosan sik tauk apa nak makan tok jak antara yang slalu di polah... and if emergency ada visitor datang umah.... hehehe

  2. nice recipe..simple..buat breakfast pun ok jugak kan..

    done terjah blog u

    terjah blog i and leave a comment ye dear..


  3. Simple and easy recipe.

    come from Ben Ashaari's blog. Nice know you.

    www.yanty.my | #kelabbloggerbenashaari

  4. I used to do this too but I never actually thought of the flatten part! That's actually a really good idea :D

  5. sedapnyer..rse lapar la plak..done folow..jom singgah



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