
Najib Razak and family is friend of mine??

This email is the proved.. well if not, why does he need to send an email to ME - even to wish Happy Chinese New Year then...? Sure it meant something.. some sort of connection... some email-worth thingee right???

Wait a sec....! I don't celebrate Chinese New Year even! Hmmph... Wait another sec...! He does not even know my name!

The  truth is.., This email was sent from the 1Malaysia site... LoL... It's more like greeting card cum email... *bummer*

I just got bored and my brain freeze due to boredom, no boyfriend and raining (ok blame to others... huhu~) - my supposed to be today entry stuck in mid-sentence...

So lazy me.. this is my latest then...

NTGravity : I was shocked for a second, thought he want to hire me.. hahahha just want to surprise you all too...


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