
My Wonderful Souljas

Salaam, タダイマァ♪~(゚∀゚)ノシ [ I'm Home!! ]

On January 03, 2009, I've posted an entry under the title 'BuLL's EyEs!!' about my *Most Craziest Happiest Moments* [ Click to read it HERE ]

I've mentioned a few names in there... They are a bright light in my life that always tickle my funny bones...

You see, in my adult life, i met lots of people - professionally or casually... Most of them are just acquaintance that comes and goes... Some wanted to get close to me just because their needed something from me so I kept a very close circle of friends...

Until i met this bunch of boys (2007) at a small workplace and my world seems to spin so cheerfully ever since. I could say that every day is a laughing-together day no matter what mood are you in... Although i'm much older than they are that's not the matter anymore!

In fact, it didn't hurt me a bit when i broke up with my boyfriend. I'm moving on so quickly because of them! Their laugh or jokes or humorous motivational pep talk are so contagious!

We love to hang out after work just for a cup (or two) of coffee and live English Premier footy. At first, it was occasionally every one or two days.. or when we received our tips... then it start to get regularly... and it started with four people before its spreading like a sweet virus... You know it's like i know you, you introduce your girlfriend, the girlfriend brings another friend, another friend brings another friend, other friends bring their boyfriend or girlfriend... never-ending...!
We all believed once a friend to one of us will always be A friend to every each of us. We share an interest together and keep it alive ♥!

By December 31, 2009 - we named our group Wonderful Souljas Secret Society.

What is Wonderful Souljas Secret Society?

- taken from our usual place to hang out

- taken from word Soulja ( Urban Word: A Soulja is never afraid to stand up for what they believe in. Someone willing to fight for their home, family, property, etc. A Soulja cannot be defined by race, age, background, location, or economic status.)

Honestly, i can't remember who or when the word 'Soulja's started to be used as a reference to us but i do know Soulja Boy (the American Rapper popular with Tell 'Em) might give a big influence. Hahaha...

Secret Society
- just to make the name sound ghetto-ish. Hahaha

DISCLAIMER: Wonderful Souljas Secret Society is merely a colourful friend group.. not some gang or something even WE;

Hate each other on soccer nite
- We can go provoked each other teams at any time without feeling b*tthurt or something.

Help each other when in need
- There's a time when something comes up, somebody will be there... Somebody always will...

Laugh together at anytime
- Gosh young restoration program when certain members sit together.

Stand the ground in name of brothers and sisters...
- For time being and so far Oh yeah...

Our club house. Jangan kauu luar setinggan dalam kondo!

Of course, we have shared our moments during our friendship like Happy moments when our favourite teams won or some members got a good job or got engaged or got married or had a beautiful baby or got a new car or even a new girlfriend. We shared the sadness when some friends lost their job or lost a family member or when our member was injured in an accident. We also shared disagreements on certain things but yet we are still friends. No heart feeling whatsoever.

Personally, i became fond of each and every one in the group.. - they are like my brothers and sisters. When everybody else looking down or trying their best to disassociate themself from me due to or at my lacking in whatever aspects, they still accept me the way i am. When i was broke and jobless for a few months in 2010 - they still looking for me to hang out together, and didn't even mind chipping in some dough to pay for my coffee or even fetch me from home. When my PC goes burst, Didn't mind changing my hard disk at no cost! They let me use their camera so i can go out and take a good shot for my blog. They come and help jump my car battery in the middle of the night... Share a song or two together...

They always have my back every time i fall... They are always there for me when i'm out of options. Whenever I think of all the good things that they have done for me - directly or indirectly... it will bring tears to my eyes because every little thing they have done, really touched my heart dearly because it's not fake, there's no catch behind the goodness.

In return, i always try to be there for them - in their happiness or sorrow. I always wanted to be someone that they can always look for when they need a shoulder to cry on or friends to jump for joys. I wanted to be someone that they will always remember as the most congenial friend they ever have. In Shaa Allah.

This entry i dedicated especially to my beautiful Wonderful Souljas in Wonderful Souljas Secret Society... Every single one of you! My life will be really freaking dull without you all.
I would love to grow old with you all... Please keep it alive forever...!!

This song goes to you all too!

I Love You All... Thank you for being my friends. My Souljas.

NTGravity: I wrote this entry full of emotions... *Boowoohoooo*


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2 Rants Found

  1. ahhh so sweet....u r so cherishing the moments u spend with ur friends...just like that Anfield saying....you never walk alone hehe (it's kinda sinister for a red devils fan to write those words)....anyway enjoy life sis!

  2. Thank you bro... i dont have much friends, them is all i have...

    same like m.u juak, Glory Glory (when hu)Man United..

    there i've said it... its hurt a certain little corner of my Liverpool fan's pride ... LOL!

    thanks for dropping by!


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