
The Journey : Expression of Love

Hello hello...

It's been a while since the last time I went to the cinema to watch a Chinese-language movie.
One of the movies i watched in cinema.

Ahh... Wo ai Jerry Yan... haha... I'm seriously interested in Taiwanese actors (He's not the only one that time.. haha)  I've even enrolled myself into Mandarin classes so that i can watch him talks instead of reading the subs.

*slow winking and nodding... yup i did!*


I'm pretty sure this is the last Chinese-language movie i saw in the cinema. Haha...

Anyway, On 11 January 2014, NTGravity Zone was invited to attend Astro CNY Luncheon and Media Premiere Screening for a film to be released on 30 January 2014. I'm so excited!

The invitation cum entry and seating card

Presented by Astro Shaw and produced by Woohoo Pictures, The Journey is a cross-continental story that explores the idea of culture, not just as tradition but as an expression of love.

The Journey director, Chiu Keng Guan, was recently awarded Best Director for his film ‘Great Day’ at the first local Chinese-language film awards, the 2013 Golden Wau Awards. The idea of making the Nation Movie project like The Journey came to him while he was producing the Astro Chinese New Year music video, Happy Dragon, which was an instant hit in 2011/12. Inspired, Chiu Keng Guan then went on a quest to get the right talents for the film.
“During the month-long extensive shoot of Happy Dragon in various places in Malaysia, we came across many talented people regardless of their age and background. This experience has inspired us to explore the possibility of engaging more local people in our production, which is also in line with Astro’s efforts in developing a diverse talent pool for the industry”.
Under Astro’s Nation Movie campaign, Astro adopted an unconventional and bold approach in making this film project a reality. Besides the cast and the filming crew, Astro invited the public to also be part of the film in more ways than one. Many people from all walks of life came to support and contribute towards making this film, be it by providing make-up for the cast or even creating props for the film.

Starring amateur actors such as 74-year old retiree Frankie Lee Sai Peng, Australian stage actor Ben Andrew Pfeiffer, winner of Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2007, Joanne Yew Hong Im, as well as the average men of the streets- kids and senior citizens which have little or no acting experience. Their involvement allows the films to portray a sense of realism and authenticity.

Uncle Frankie (as Uncle Chuan) [ Credit photo from The Journey FB ]

Ben Andrew Pfeiffer (as Benji)  [ Credit photo from The Journey FB ]

Joanne Yew Hong Im (as Bee) [ Credit photo from The Journey FB ]

A landmark achievement of such a show of support from the public included the creation of a 90-ft hot air balloon, which was made of over 10,000 recycled plastic bags contributed by people from all over the country. The hot air balloon is believed to be the largest record-breaking movie prop for the film. [That's a lot!!]

OMG... I'm really stunned while watching this part! [ Credit photo from The Journey FB ]

The Journey Synopsis :


What synopsis?? Sorry. No Spoiler Alert here...

Seriously, go watch this movie! Bring along your families and friends. Share popcorns, hotdogs and tissue (for the last part..)

NTGravity: All i can comment for this movie, it is a very touching and heart-warming movie. The movie is SO [i mean REALLY SO] close to our heart especially Malaysian, no matter what or who or where you are. The Journey will make you laugh [ some part really hard ] and cry [ or at least watery eyes ]. 

Honestly, i won't think twice to watch it again!

What makes this film more interesting and special is that it is set against the backdrop of picturesque landscapes in Malaysia, portraying many unique local Chinese cultures and lifestyles such as Astro’s Chinese New Year countdown gala, ‘Pai Ti Kong’ (Worship of Heaven) at the Clan Jetty, Penang, and the Chingay Parade in Johor Bahru. It's all real events, with real crowds and real situations. 

The film was shot 40 days over a period of four months. Commenting on the filming process, Chiu Keng Guan shared to us, 
"It was challenging as we filmed around unconventional outdoor locations round-the-clock spanning across Cameron Highlands, Ipoh, Penang, Kedah, Melaka and Johor. I am grateful to my crew who has always managed to pull through even during trying times."
Kudos to the Director, Mr Chiu Keng Guan and all everyone involved in the making of this movie. Not forgetting the beautiful song by Geraldine Gan. The song on the ending too! - Funny, but beautiful. Very sweet!, I'll say.

I don't know what other viewers might think about this movie but for me, I gave them a standing ovation. 

* * * * *

After that we all heading to Poseidon Leisure Cafe for a press conference and lunch.

Press Conference begin.

Uncle Frankie tells us one of his funny experience as this is his first time acting. He also shared his true feelings during the shooting on hot air balloon.

Beautiful Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2007, Joanne Yew Hong Im.
From left: Joanne Yew Hong Im, Chiu Keng Guan, Choo Chi Hoon, Uncle Frankie, Geraldine Gan and Alison Lau.
Yee Sang before start lunch. My first time!

All lens up except mine, i was not ready as i'm too caught up with Yee Sang. Hahaha!

A little bit of trivia about The Journey movie... No Spoiler Alert here...

✌ "Don't forget to bring your passport along," Director Chiu joked as he explained that the hot air balloon is real and can be made by taping numerous plastic bags together.

✌ The hot air balloon scenes are not computer-generated - mostly are real, and it took 40 takes for the scene.

✌ Ben Andrew Pfeiffer | as told by Director Chiu |
When talked about his experience acting in Malaysia, whether he encountered any kind of culture shock? His first reaction was,
"Of course. When shooting in Cameron Highlands, I went to the toilet and saw only one hole (squatting toilet), toilet paper and water pipes, how to use this..??!"
✌ Because of too many NGs, some scenes are taken while the cast was on 'final rehearsal' - this reduces stress and given expression are also more realistic.

✌ The 'PONDAN 樹' or 'Pondan Tree' and School scenes are taken from two different schools at two different locations.

✌ In October 2013, The Journey was voted as the best foreign movie amongst 61 films from 25 countries during Taoyuan Film Festival. [Congratulations from NTGravity Zone!!]

I guess I've given enough reasons for you all to go and watch this movie, right?

So don't forget... 

The Journey | 30th January 2014

Thank you to Astro for inviting NTGravity Zone.  

To all my Chinese friends and reader... Gong Xi Fa Cai....!

NTGravity : Ang pao na lai? *LOL*

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