
Couple Mug : Painting, Creativity & Desperation

Hello hello....

I love doing D.I.Y. craft or art... Well probably not as good or as beautiful as the artwork of others, but it's alright. I also like to go to any art exhibitions, in my free time.

I've did this both for Earth Hour.

For this sketch I've received an invitation to the gala screening for the film 'Lagenda Budak Setan' at GSC Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur. [ Read About It Here ]

||| Behind the Scene |||

It's two weeks prior to the wedding day of my blogger friends, I'm planning to give away a pair of mugs in conjunction with their first date.

While in the gift shop, without thinking I bought a pair of plain colour mugs and some other things...

I almost started to wrapped it and I remembered that I had seen something called "Mugs pop-art" on Google. Mugs pop-art uses a lot of way to decorate a plain mug like drawing, writing and sketching around the mug.

So I got an idea ... and my journey began ...

This is some of the material i use, there are few things I forgot, Sharpie pens.

This Pop-art stuff are something like paint that has Glitters or glow-in-dark and more.

Le Mug : I've read in most of D.I.Y blog - less shining mugs the better, the paint it will stick and last longer.

Start off with sketch at both mugs.
It's kind of difficult to draw on such a surface.

Once done with the sketch, i started to paint it with glitter pop-art paint.

On the other side of the mug, I've painted the 'Starbucks' logo.
According to the guide, i need to dry it right under the hot sun.
During the first week [remember: two weeks to go], only two whole days - i managed to put it outside. The rest of the week - raining! 

If I followed the guidelines properly, i should at least let it dry in the sun for 3 days. On the 4th day, i need to bake it. 

Seriously... Bake it??

Don't ask me... I don't even get the chance...

My Mader [read: mother] accidentally has touched the not-quite-dry-yet mugs, causing the paint to stick together and peels - off. Just like that...

So I have to restart again...
Like deja-vu, Mother Nature does not seem to side with me this time, probably because there is something wrong ...

...but what??

The second time and this is Wednesday | 3 days before the wedding reception.
AGAIN this time, "someone" has touched it [the mugs] and ruin all the paintwork. *Playing detective for few hours..*

I have tried to fix it but ... 

....I was scolded by my cat. *Pouting*

This is Mimi, I've been using her favourite [sleeping] spot to dry those mugs for the last two weeks. Hahaha...
Actually, i have no more time to spare. Moreover in this uncertain weather... 

Can't break down and cry now... Chewahh..... *Drama Queen mode : On!*

Credit to http://kbaab.wordpress.com/ [ Link ]

Finally, I got the inspiration while staring out the window in the kitchen waiting for the rain to subside.

Credit to http://www.gdefon.com/ [ Link ]

I bought another two plain Mugs and two Sharpie pens - a silver and gold. Another one day to go and i'm done!

Freehand yo!


Here goes...


Here goes my handwork...


Suddenly, i'm kind of shy to show it... LOL!!


*Breathe in.. breathe out*




Oh... What the heck... You Only Live Once, neh?

Here goes nothing...

It's not that great but it's surely coming from the heart!

Of course, it will never compare to the beautiful bride and groom that night... Congratulations to both of you, Cyril & Dinah! Best wishes!

The love birds | Taken from Dinah's Facebook.

NTGravity: I guess... there are too many arts... I'm might fall in the music art category.. or the computer graphic art category... hehehe

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6 Rants Found

  1. Aik sis, kita ngagak ka wedding sis Dinah ya? Wow best aih....anyway kacak produk2 dipolah kitak ya hahaha

    1. @Adi Herman : Sorry late reply bro.... Aok... boleh laa... biasa - biasa jak bro.. ahahah

  2. Omg this is such a touching post! Thank u Aliey. Ur so sweeeettt! Xoxo. Thank u for coming and sharing our special day.

    P/s: now I know how to do my own mug art coz I got sharpie pen too! Hehe
    P/s: Adi Herman mun ko ada di Kuching memanh ku jemput juak sak u main time wedding ya ;p

    1. Coffee Girl : Thank you... Thank you again for having me.... :)

      p/s: yeah... let's do it.... ahahaha....

  3. Awww... sikpat Aliey. We love em both.. and thank you not only for coming, but also taking trouble to make the mugs. Surely it will accompany our 'coffee moments' for years to come =)

    1. hahaha... Thank you for having me, Cyril. Nope... no trouble at all... i'm having fun doing it anyway!

      Ahh... that's my intention.... hahaha....


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