
14hours of Comedy Rerun to Miri

Howdy y'all...

It's 02:17am of 7th February 2015... i'm composing this entry while +Garner Wyne Madcat and +Khairool Adzelan also doing their own thing. The three of us now hanging out at the common area of this lodge called Coco House

Let's recapped what happen after i've published HONKY-TONK MIRI COUNTRY STYLE [Read Here] entry.

5 February 2015

Around 8:15pm reached Kuching Sentral and meet up with Khairool and Garner. We [plus two Khairool's friends] go for a quick dinner as we're not sure where or when the bus will go for pit stops.

Close to 9pm - time to embark our bus... super excited!

Our bus for the next 14hours... 

 VVIP on board... hahaha

 yay... a power point plug at seat... Sadly it's not working... 

 Getting comfy on the bus...

Around 10pm our bus started to leave Kuching Sentral... Just in time for me to grab my headphone in my backpack and enjoying my 'in-flight' entertainment...

Mr Bean rerun.. its been awhile I didn't watch this series and its still tickles!

6 February 2015

The bus stopped once at Jelukong [207km / 3hours from Kuching Sentral] - the three of us answered our natural calls and hang out at the coffee shop for a cup of coffee.

30 minutes later, the journey continued...

Six hours has passed since we leave Kuching....

Reached Sibu around 4am... watched Spider-Plant Man....
Spider-Plant Man is a British parody short film which parodies the Spider-Man 2002 film adaptation, made for the Comic Relief 2005 appeal[1] and aired on BBC One on 11 March 2005. It featured Rowan Atkinson as Peter Piper/Spider-Plant Man and Rachel Stevens as his love-interest Jane-Mary. Jim Broadbent also made an appearance, portraying Batman, and Tony Robinson as Robin.
Source from Wikipedia
 Selfie in low light... Thanks to ASUS's PixelMaster camera technology...

If you have ever wondered whether I manaaged to catch some sleep during this journey... yup, every now and then... It's a comfy seat, i can say!

Reached Bintulu at 7.30am (Friday) and I happen to change to a channel that shows Evanescence's concert in Bogotá,Colombia.

I just loveeeeeee Evanescence... Amy Lee's voice!
(ღ˘⌣˘ღ) ♫・*:.。. .。.:*・melting

 Blue sky morning in Bintulu... 

 It's still a working/school day... I present to you, traffic jammed... 

...but not that bad compared to Kuching...

During our 30minutes pit stop at Bintulu [bus terminal]... most of the seats are already empty. Just a few new passenger boarded to Miri.

 Garner and Khairool at front seat...

By this time, most of our devices [mainly our smartphones] are almost dead and we all are hungry...

and behind our schedule... we thought we gonna reached Miri by 10am [12hours] but we finally reached Miri bus terminal at 12.15pm..

Get our taxi to Coco House... Read my review about Coco House [Here]

You can see this building by the main road...

Right after check in process, we go up to our floor and to our designated bunk. Put our luggage, charging our devices and hurry back down...

Belleh need food... and water... lots of water!

15 minutes walking distant from Coco House.

Right after our lunch, walk back to our lodge and getting ready to go to Parkcity Everly.

Once I done getting ready, my bunk-mates has just arrived. I took few minutes to chat a bit with them... [ while our taxi has arrived, sowwieeee!]

Off we go.....

Went to the secretariat room to get our media passes and wristbands for tomorrow.

Next, attending briefing and press conference with the bands...

Madam +Gracie Geikie start off with introducing the 'Inside Miri' magazine... tomorrow will be the launching of the first edition.

Due to recent floods [last few weeks] has led to some of their music equipments damaged in Mulu and MCMF's [staffs and bands] came up with some contributions...

Giveaway personal possession... #salute

Mel & Joe giveaway their biography books... *i also want!*

After that a short jamming session to end the briefing cum press conference...

...and a group photo...

After having a good cuppa of coffee... Event Director of Miri Country Music Festival, Ms. Letitia bring us around the bazaar and stage area for tomorrow.

One for the road.... 

Before the Sunset Cocktail reception begin, Khairool had to leave early but do not worry, we will reunited for dinner cum supper later.

Yummy... i love munching this especially with ceasar dressing...

By 9pm, Garner and i left The Ruai to join Khairool and his cousin, Mijie for dinner cum supper at Beach Republic.

Love the place and the food...

Long day tomorrow, we all need our rest and our devices need to be recharged.. so we all head back to Coco House...

See ya tomorrow...

Bus - Asia Star
[ Website | Facebook *no recent updates* | Phone Number : +6082 411 111 ]

Lodge - Coco House
[ Website | Facebook | Email | Phone Number : +6085 417 051 ]

Event Venue - Parkcity Everly Hotel, Miri
[ Website | Facebook | Phone Number : +6085 440 288 ]

Warung Puteri
[ Location : Jalan Miri Handicraft Centre, 98000 Miri, Sarawak ]

Beach Republic
[ Website | Facebook | Phone Number : +6085 424 040 ]

Miri Country Music Festival
[ Website | Facebook | Twitter | Email ]

Here some info you may needed... Budget breakdown... this is my budget [RM450 or less...]

Click to enlarged...

NTGravity : Still thinking about our meal on the bus.... hmmm..

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