
Let's Boogie Down To Miri Country Music Festival!

Previously on NTGravity Zone....

The Miri Country Music Festival (MCMF2015) will be held for the second consecutive year at Parkcity Everly Hotel Miri on February 7. The festival will be featuring seven bands – Country Sisters (Czech Republic), Mel and Joe (Singapore), Hi Breed (Kuching), Os Pombos Band (Kuala Lumpur), Starlet Band (Miri), Kareem Salama (USA) and Rani and Westom Country Band (Indonesia).

This festival programme consists of the bazaar, music workshops including a line dance workshop and of course, the showcases.

The bazaar begins at noon, while the music workshops will run from 2pm to 4pm. The music showcases starts at 5.30pm.

Miri Country Music Festival is endorsed by the Miri City Council and Malaysia Conventions and Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB) and supported by Sarawak Tourism Board, US Embassy, MASWings Sdn Bhd, Parkcity Everly Hotel Miri, BNB Tech and Planet Borneo Travel and Tours Services. 

Details on the festival are also available at www.miricountrymusic.com.

The country music fest is organized by Planet Conventions and Events Sdn Bhd (formerly known as UCSI Communications Sdn Bhd) in collaboration with Parkcity Everly Hotel Miri.

Howdy y'all...

07 February 2015

Around 9.30am - our little entourage [Garner, Khairool , Mijie and me] skip our breakfast at Coco House for this delicious Nasi Lemak at Selera Rasa Segar.

Take note if you're not a spicy eater... consumed with caution... hahahaha....

Nasi Lemak with Hot Coffee... #marvelous

We are early so we drop by the secretariat room to see any info we might needed...

Seems that the event has not started yet, we just hangout at the lobby...

Wefie with Khairool and +Garner Wyne Madcat 

Then we all make our move to Bazaar area and have a look...

Thank God for the great weather today...

Beautiful handwoven bags by the Penan community 

Mostly they are not ready yet but it's ok we will come back later after the workshop...

Selfie in session... hahaha

Beautiful scenery seen from The Ruai lounge's patio at +Parkcity Everly Hotel Miri 

Quench our thirst with hotel's mocktail [mixed of fruit juices] - mine is Pink Panther... oh yeaahhh...

Hanging out before the first workshop begin. The wind are so nice here!

At 2pm the first workshop has started... Feel & Passion Workshop by Rani & Westom Country Band... They will demonstrate how to use the music equipment in country music. It's also an interactive demonstrative workshop conducted by our country band from Indonesia with Q&A session during the workshop.

Rani & Westom Country Band are a fresh combination of several popular country bands from Indonesia. They came together and reformed due to the same vision, a passion, dream and love of country music. From the heart of Indonesia `Jakarta` Rani and Westom will perform a unique blend of traditional dangdut songs in a Country Music style.

Funtrivia : Westom actually 'Where's The Old Man'

The main point here you gotta feel and have passion while playing music or sing...

Watch the 15seconds video on my Instagram...

Jamming session...

An hour later.... my favourite! Mel & Joe for Country Singing and Harmony Workshop. They will bring us to explore the vocal harmonies of country music, and will demonstrate how harmony choices affect the mood of a song. Touch your audience through your voice, learn how to connect and let them know that you are there for them. The brothers will also demonstrate and explain the introductory techniques used to create that iconic guitar bending sound heard in country music. A demonstrative and interactive workshop with Q&A session.

Brothers Mel & Joe Ferdinands have played, sung and done it all. Household names since they first appeared on television in 1970, Mel & Joe are not only two of Singapore’s best-loved musical talents; they are living proof of Singapore’s rich musical past and vibrant present. In 1970, armed with their vocal talents and acoustic guitars, they began a journey that would span four decades and still counting. Mel & Joe who performed as special guest performers at MCMF2014 are back by Popular demand to perform at MCMF2015.

...at the same time at Pavilion another workshop also in session - Line Dancing Workshop attended by Garner and Khairool.

Watch the 15seconds video of Mel and Joe on my Instagram...

During Q&A session... 

Mel and Joe showing us how to sing in harmony featuring Rani from Rani and Westom Country Band

Another jamming session with Raggy Singh. He was a performer last year for Miri Country Music Festival, this year he came to support this festival... Way to go!

The last workshop for this year is from Country Sisters. They are young, beautiful, charming and always smiling; group of ladies from the Czech Republic. These high temper singers, dancers and musicians have been in the show business for nearly 40 years now, with their latest formation of 2012.

The Country Sisters create a show that completely overmasters both the stage and the crowd. All five band members master at least two musical instruments each and have performed over 2000 concerts all over the world. For this festival, Country Sisters will demonstrate instrumental styles in country music using acoustic guitar, violin, percussion and also demonstration of czech country songs (vocal and solo instrumental).

 Watch the 15seconds video of they singing 'Born This Way' on my Instagram...

Watch the 15seconds video about Line Dancing by Country Sisters on my Instagram...

Before the three of us go for our dinner... Take a chance to have a photo session with Mel & Joe... yeeehaaa...

Yayy, finally i got it! *❤❤❤*

Ms Letitia [from Planet Conventions & Events Sdn Bhd] wears wristband to Assistant Minister Datuk Lee Kim Shin and his family.

Time for dinner!!

Stall from the hotel... i've ordered the bratwurst sausage...

a fritters with sugar powder on top... 2 for RM5...

Yummy bratwurst sausage! Simple with mayo, mustard, shreded cucumber and tomato.. marvelous!

Kelabit food... in-conjunction to Pesta Nukenen or Bario Food Festival 2015 which will be held on 30th July to 1st August 2015.

We all missed the first band (Starlets) - a Sarawakian band as we all was still enjoying our dinner...

We only enter Pavilion during the second band also a Sarawakian band called Hi-Breed.

haaa... not only cowboy attending Miri Country Music Festival tau....

Watch the 15seconds video on my Instagram... [ Sorry for the low quality of the sound. Using Asus Zenfone 5]

The crowd at 6.45pm at Pavilion, Parkcity Everly Hotel, Miri

Capturing the captured photo...

Reunited with our 'long' lost sister also from Sarawak Bloggers Society, Ms Tia... #hugshugs

Hi-Breed team... bravo!!

During break between showcase... Khairool revised what he have learned during line dancing workshop... Not that bad there!! haha

Third showcase from Rani and Westom Country Band....

Watch the 15seconds video on my Instagram... [ Sorry for the low quality of the sound. Using Asus Zenfone 5]

Crowd outside Pavilion... 

There are two giant screens at the bazaar area... If you want to just sipped your drink while having a good chat with your companion(s) while sitting picnic on the open ground - you are most welcomed!

...meanwhile inside the Pavilion...

The forth showcase of the night is from USA...

Kareem Salama is an Egyptian American musician. He is known as the first American Muslim country music singer. His music is a hybrid of country, pop and rock music.[1] He has released 3 albums Generous Peace (2006) This Life of Mine (2007) and a third City of Lights (2011)..

- source from Wikipedia

Are you pointing at me... *melting...*

Watch the 15seconds video on my Instagram... [ Sorry for the low quality of the sound. Using Asus Zenfone 5]

Gorgeous voice...

Thank you Kareem Salama... for the photo... ◕‿◕

...we chased after him once he's done performing on stage... hahaha

The fifth showcase are from Country Sisters...

... you have no idea how many drooling mouths [or berdarah hidung] that night... LOL!!

Sexy ladies in house...


MCMF2015 crew... thank you for the hardwork to give a good view at big screen outside the stage.

You go girl!

I just love that boot!

Watch the 15seconds video on my Instagram... [ Sorry for the low quality of the sound. Using Asus Zenfone 5]

Up next, Mel & Joe....

Joe Ferdinand strumming his guitar...

Mel Ferdinand with Sarawak famous string instrument for Orang Ulu, Sape...

Khairool and I... rooting for Mel & Joe... 

Watch the 15seconds video on my Instagram... [ Sorry for the low quality of the sound. Using Asus Zenfone 5]

Last showcase for this year Miri Country Music Festival... from Kuala Lumpur,

Known for their vocal harmony,this band has rocked the Miri Country Music Festival stage with their western performance.

Os Pombos

While waiting for some of our devices to come alive... [a.k.a. charging] - let's do some photo transferring and wefie...

 Garner... doing work... while Khairool still on the floor...

Enjoying with your family... This is so sweet!

Tickets are being sold at RM80 per adult and RM40 per child inclusive of one beverage while for children is inclusive of a soft drink or ice-cream..

This is even sweeter... i want that too!! huhu

Cool looking guitarist from Os Pombos...

Watch the 15seconds video on my Instagram... [ Sorry for the low quality of the sound. Using Asus Zenfone 5]

Through out the night there are several lucky draws with cool prizes was given to the lucky number holders (owh so lucky!) and the before the finale of the concert - the crowd has choosen a Cowboy and a CowGirl of the night for this year... Congratulations to all winners....

... ahhh.. i should wear better next time... #nokidding

Finale with all bands on the stage...

Us? Supper time....

Outside Ming Cafe... one of popular hang outs in Miri.

I love this event... A strategic venue for bazaar and showcases. Very relaxing venue for workshop, great line up for performers so far and love the selection food and drink [at bazaar] and the price are affordable.

Thank you and congrats to the organizer for this event! Thank you to all bands and especially to the crews for Miri Country Music Festival.. 

Event Venue - Parkcity Everly Hotel, Miri
Website | Facebook | Phone Number : +6085 440 288 ]

Selera Rasa Segar
[ Location : Jalan Royal 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia ]

Miri Country Music Festival
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Email ]

Reading from different perspective :



Here some info you may needed... Budget breakdown... this is my budget [RM450 or less...]

Click to enlarged...

NTGravity : Boogie Down in terms of to party with enthusiasm, similar to get down.. 
[Source Here]

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