
Whole Cold Rainy Sunday at Ba' Kelalan


From 30th May to 2nd June 2014, NTGravity Zone (under Sarawak Bloggers community) has been invited to attend a festival held in Ba’ Kelalan... it is called Irau Aco Lun Bawang. NTGravity Zone would love to THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Sarawak Tourism Board for having us and also to Sarawak Bloggers for the opportunity.  

I'm very sorry for the delayed... I was away for more than 3 months without steady internet and my computer... now i'm back to square one [being jobless] and ample time to update...

Read my previous entries about my journey by clicking the link below...

Journey to Ba' Kelalan >>>READ<<<
Irau Aco Lun Bawang 2014 : Day One >>>READ<<<
Another Night at Buduk Nur >>>READ<<<

Continue my journey....

On Sunday [01.06.2014], i'm 'allowed' to wake up late as there isn't much thing to do in the morning... My travel companion from STB Miri, Amirul is planning to go sightseeing at the border side while i choose to sleep... hehe heh..

Ms Rona Sultan and Mr Wan Ahmad Sukran were kind enough to let me experience homestay at Ba' Kelalan at least once, so today I'll check out from Apple Lodge and move to Pak Yudan's Homestay up the small hill...

Before checking out, i managed to take a few shots of the Apple Lodge...

Very hommie... and today i can see with my own eyes some fruits in their backyard...

After using the 'shortcut' a.k.a. a short adventure, we finally arrived!

Pak Yudan's Homestay [ Credit to www.thehomestayborneo.blogspot.com]

Pak Yudan's Homestay: Living room

Pak Yudan's Homestay: Dining and Kitchen Area

Pak Yudan's Homestay: Unlimited Hot Drinks [Self Service ]

Pak Yudan's Homestay: My room for tonight...

Pak Yudan's Homestay: My room... 

 Below is the price list for room and meals... Really affordable... and they cooked it with love...

Once settle putting down my stuff in my room, we hang out a bit in the dining room for a mug of hot drink... we all planning to go sightseeing to Long Bawan (Indonesia area) or a nearby village or maybe a dip in the cold river or looking for what they're serving at Taing Kadang - Lun Bawang traditional lunch at the football field.

...but Mercy Allah has planned something else for us...

Talking about weather i guess...

p/s: These guys really light up my trip here... *Thank you to both of you!*

 The weather has changed drastically... *almost....*

As expected... the nice cold shower...

so most of us take a u-turn and back to bed... and sleep... including me... LOL...

After done with dinner, we all heads back to Buduk Nur Church as their having a Traditional Choir competition...

Meanwhile... i'm getting myself a souvenir and salts for my families.

Seems that the alphabets are not complete... i tried to be creative and this is the outcome...


I Was At Ba Kelalan...

....what do you think??

Soon after that, another cultural night begins...

and also the introduction of nominees Miss and Mr Lun Bawang 2014...

Before we all went back to our homestay... this is the last show of the night... and my last night at Buduk Nur, Ba' Kelalan...

Sleeping time... Rest well...

NTGravity: Soon will be back to reality...

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