
From Ba' Kelalan With Love

Hello hello....

If this is your first time visiting NTGravity Zone’s blog – WELCOME to [The] [R]ant [O]f [C]hivalrous of [K]uching [Girl] a.k.a. The Rock Girl!! I’m Aliey *bump fists*

On 30th May to 2nd June 2014, NTGravity Zone (under Sarawak Bloggers community) has been invited to attend a festival held in Ba’ Kelalan... it is called Irau Aco Lun Bawang. NTGravity Zone would love to THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Sarawak Tourism Board for having us and also to Sarawak Bloggers for the opportunity.  

(シ_ _)シ  ハハァーー I'm very very very sorry for the delayed... 

Read my previous entries about my journey by clicking the link below...

(  ̄ー ̄)_旦~~~ Journey to Ba' Kelalan >>>READ<<<
(  ̄ー ̄)_旦~~~ Irau Aco Lun Bawang 2014 : Day One >>>READ<<<
(  ̄ー ̄)_旦~~~ Another Night at Buduk Nur >>>READ<<<
(  ̄ー ̄)_旦~~~ Whole Cold Rainy Sunday at Ba' Kelalan >>>READ<<<

This going to be my last episode...

I woke up early today... around 5am i'm done with taking cold bath and packing up my stuff... but my heart feels heavy!

Soon i will be leaving this place... most probably around 7am...

Taking last shots of Buduk Nur....

Once everyone is ready... saying goodbyes to Pak Yudan and his family for the awesome hospitality, they has given to me... We start our journey back to Lawas, where Amirul and i have a plane to catch at 2pm.

Around 9am, Buduk Nur are long gone... We has stopped at Damaring... for natural calls... (//∇//) テレテレ

Soon after that... the journey continues...

The driving rules in this area are different... Drivers need to be alert and look for this sign... Those signs actually indicate which lane you should drive...

Another pit stop... Long Lidung, Lawas...

The house on the far right is our destination for the next 45 minutes max...!

*Amazed*... well it's their feeding time... but yet, they are 'tame' and didn't hurt our hands at all...

Take your time to visit whenever you here in Lawas...

Lawas town... 

After quick lunch, it's time for our [ Amirul and I ] flight back to Miri... and I'll be flying back to Kuching a few hours later...

I want to extend my deepest appreciation to the following...

Sarawak Tourism Board - for inviting and providing my accommodation, meals and transportation during my trip to the Ba' Kelalan.

Sarawak Bloggers Society - I would never had the chance to set my foot here if not for the opportunity given. 

Mohd Hisyamudin from Sarawak Tourism Board [Kuching] - For his assistance during my difficulties during the immigration office... 

Mr Amirul from Sarawak Tourism Board [ Miri ] - for his assistance and hospitality during this trip!

Ms Rona Sultan from Heart Of Borneo Tours & Travel Sdn Bhd - She is really a doll... for always making me feels welcome and giving me lots of information about Ba' Kelalan.

Mr. Wan Ahmad Sukran from Ministry Of Tourism, Sarawak - for his assistance during my trip and stay. A very cheerful and friendly guy that makes me feel hommie!

Pak Yudan and Wife [ and his family ] - for the hospitality. I always feel overwhelmed whenever i saw the closeness among them [ Pak Yudan and his families ] and that's what makes the guesthouse feel warm... 

Hoping to work or meet with you all in the near future.

Bracelet from Ba' Kelalan...

Spring Salt from Ba' Kelalan

Rice all the way from Ba' Kelalan [ Thank you from Pak Yudan's wife ]

A beaded necklace was given by a new friend from Ba' Kelalan...

All those [ yup plus a pinch of Ba' Kelalan rice and a small packet of spring Salt ] will be safely kept in my 'something blue' box.... as sweet memories...

NTGravity: I hope i have the chance to go there again...

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