
My Favourite Surfing Spot

:: HerStory in the making: :

I've started online since 1997 - a newbie who doesn't know anything about the internet. Yeah, the only one I know is Yahoo! Haha~!


A month after that I've decided to learn to do a homepage about my favourite guy that time - ' Kevin Richardson - Backstreet boys. Kevin's World Homepage - a pastel yellow web contains 5 pages and lots of animated graphics. I called it 'Confusion Zone'.. ahakss... Well, don't blame me. I'm just a few month olds internet and few weeks old in HTML coding - let alone Photoshop what so ever... Lucky somewhere along that period I met an IT expert who helps me here and then... 

*Abg Zakran, I will never thank you enough!* 


At that time there's no Wireless Fidelity or it's popularly known as Wi-Fi... I have to go to a cyber cafe and do it - it's not cheap~! An hour was charged as low as RM3.50 - RM4.50 per hour for a student like me, consider costly... Until my father subscribe to an 'internet line' (the bandwidth that time was low...) and I still have to pay it... but it's worth doing it... Got lots of visitor (as not many people do Kevin Richardson's site that time) - way different from my blog now... Ngeehehehhe~

:: Season Changing: :

So am i... Anyways, due to study, I have to quit Kevin's World. I have to move out of my parent house for two years. I have no choice but to delete my account and forget about the internet for years. I think that's my biggest mistake... I should just keep it...

Well.. life moves on... I rebuilt a new website - tasted the crashed and burned... It's fine... 

..No, I lied... 

it's really frustrating...~! but worth it once you got it done...

Then in 2004, I own a laptop given by my boyfriend (now..sadly an EX boyfriend...huhu~) which I brought along with me anywhere and start my own first blog at www.bolt.com.. but now I don't know what happen with that site anyway... but I lost my blog there... it's exactly like this blog - only savvier of feminism... hahaha~!!

That time - WiFi just about to start...(have to buy Wi-Fi USB adapter) and very very small range of location provide it... Some even provide the HotSpot with prepaid cards. Usually, I was at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf to get a connection. Luckily I love the Double vanilla latte... :) 

: : Now : :

I could say anywhere is Wi-Fi areas... with or without a password. Coffeeshop, Kopitiam, KFC, McD.. just to name a few... Moreover, nowadays, a huge laptop has shrunk down to slim size of a handphone with 3G...

"3G refers to the third generation of mobile telephony (that is, cellular) technology. The third generation, as the name suggests, follows two earlier generations."

This evolution has made life easier... Just look for this logo...

or whenever my laptop or communicator indicator tweet...~ I'm fine.. :)

:: My Favourite Surfing Spot: :

My home sweet home... My most favourite hangout - Wonderful Cafe (a Kopitiam - please google it..LOL) and any fast food joint... especially those without WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) a.k.a. password protection.. hahahha~ I know it's not really safe to surf but beggar can't be choosey eh?

Now, this is even a Superfast connection... the 4G techie! Simply Plug & Play... Great rates and Extended Coverage... It's the world of technologies,' aight? Don't be left behind...

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS

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3 Rants Found

  1. i start online since 2004..i think it late for me...but knowledge never gets too late....

    p/s: jumping over from YS to this lovely blog....hihi..hit me back ya!

  2. @Mr Homosapiensz yup.. that's so true..

    @Elyn yay~!! thank you.. award per yek? will check it out later...


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