
After Party - Oktoberfest


On 19 October 2012, two-person from the Sarawak Bloggers community was invited to witnessing the Oktoberfest been celebrated at Brighton Square - with food, brews and a huge dash of German cheer!

To liven up the atmosphere, even more, the revellers were also entertained by a host of fun-filled activities, games and musical performances from the Oktoberfest Party Troupe. Apart from that, they have also given the chance to win GAB's Oktoberfest merchandises by participating in exciting games such as the Chicken Dance and Pretzel Challenge.

Enjoy the view people...

I reach Brighton Square late - so i missed out on the first club which was D'Tarvene... So i headed to the next location which was H.O.F. Cafe as the second stopover... 

Early crowd -  for happy hours

Chicken Dance..... *humming chicken dance song...*

Getting ready for the game...

Gorgeous ladies in costume

After meeting the super friendly organizer, Miss Apple Tan from Event Horizon - we all heading to the next club - Lighthouse.
The activities were fun in terms of getting the revellers to dance Chicken Dance all over the place and eat the Pretzel WITH big patches of whipped cream! LOL...

Once done - We were left behind as the troupe are going to Mr Ho Fine Food at Crown Square, Jalan Pending before continue back at Brighton Square and start again the same dance and competition at Da Vincci followed by Mc Gregor English Pub and finale Platform Karaoke and lounge...

Pretzel Eating Challenge... 

The Killer... hahaha... this pretzel looks soft but... hahaha... don't underestimate the power of food!

Rival... at H.O.F. Cafe

Oktoberfest Party Troupe

Which stadium you want to go to tonight...? *Whisper: Anfield... Anfield... Anfield*

Yummy pretzel... Salty, buttery and a bit gristly...

So.. who wanna do the chicken dance again? hahaha

I would like to extend many Thank You to the organizer [GAB & Event Horizon] and Sarawak Blogger for allowing me to see how the Oktoberfest being celebrated!

NTGravity : *still humming Chicken Dance song*

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2 Rants Found

  1. wow nice pics la, mesti happening kan Octoberfest di tempat kitak masa ya...Anfield? oh man not another liverpool fan...haha sekpala iboh cerita hal ball lok (im an MU fan)

  2. happening juak tapi youngster jak banyak... hehehehe...
    Aiyo... kenapa kawan - kawan gua suma fan Man Utd... hahahahha... *semoga tabah hati ku... hehehehhe* Aok kmk fan Liverpool...


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