
Entering Menara Sarawak Energy

On the 10th of May, media bloggers are invited to visit the new Sarawak Energy building, Menara Sarawak Energy, located at No. 1 The Isthmus in Kuching and having a tour around 2pm.

This morning - we also attended the Re-Opening ceremony at Sarawak Museum. ((( Read HERE )))

A bit about Sarawak Energy...

Sarawak Energy is an integrated energy utility. 

This means that they generate, transmit, distribute and retail electricity around Sarawak.

While they remain committed to providing a reliable and efficient supply to our domestic and commercial customers, Sarawak Energy is increasingly involved in the development of new hydropower, coal, gas and transmission projects related to the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE).   
Sarawak Energy currently operates a 210MW coal-fired steam-turbine power plant located at Kampung Geobilt, Kuching as well as a 330MW gas-fired open cycle power plant in Tanjung Kidurong, Bintulu. Sarawak Energy also operates a coal-fired power station in Matadeng, Mukah with a total capacity of 270MW (135MW X 2 units). On hydro projects, they have also commenced construction of a 940MW Murum hydro-electric project in Belaga, Central Sarawak, expected to come online in 2013.

If you would like to read about my visit to Mukah Power Generation (Coal Mine Power Plant) last year ((( Click HERE )))

I've reached the entrance of the Menara at around 1.45pm. Beautiful surrounding.

Going up to Level 2 for a short briefing.

Sarawak Energy is run as a business, but profit is not their only goal. Their mission captures these broader objectives and responsibilities, and commits them to honour the trust placed in us by the people of Sarawak, by acknowledging and respecting them and contributing to their well-being; and
harnessing and utilising natural resources sustainably and responsibly.

For Sarawak Energy, the term Corporate Social Responsibility means:
Managing our business to minimise any negative impacts of our operations and maximise the positive impact of what we do for our community.

They achieve this by Creating economic opportunities for Sarawakians, Supporting partners in Community Investment, Undertaking projects sustainably and also Demonstrating high standards of transparency and community engagement.

Ms Joanne Tan Cho Yian (Manager, Corporate Social Responsibility) told us about they project on Murum Penan Literacy Programme. 

Though their intention is only to make them able to read and basic calculation, personally i find it very heart-warming... I hope it will continue forever... 

After that, we are allowed to look around the Sarawak Energy building. Minimalist type i loike! hahaha...

A short tour at their own museum.. but due to we take too much time 'wowing' surrounding - this tour has to be cut short.

They having Go Bald especially for Sarawak Energy employees in the lobby area. More than 50 people have volunteered to go bald. 

I can't stay long because i have to rush for the Sarawak FA game. Thank you to Sarawak Energy for inviting us.

NTGravity: Very exciting

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