
Introducing to you.... My Mr. Right... for now

We met six years ago, at that time only a few months since I have moved back to my parents house after nearly two years of renting out.

To me, he is the most handsome, most adorable, most affectionate, most sweet ... Ahh, I can not describe the feeling at that moment.

[ Credit to this creative respective owner ]

After his mother's passing, I was equally grieved with him but then there's an adoptive mother who has always loved him and his sister.

....and then he disappeared.. from my life. For the whole seven months - OMG, I miss you so much... [ Read about my heartbroken post about him later HERE ]

While you were gone, i have two hearts that trying their best to fills in the void in my life. Too bad, that long-time illness finally claimed your sister's soul. Again, I'm so devastated. The sole blood-related to you has passed on. #grieving

One fine afternoon, suddenly my dad called me because it looks like you at our door, well kitchen door, weirdly. 

I was as surprised as everybody else and slowly moving towards you and calls you extremely slowly...,

You responded, as usual, that very, oh-very sweetly!

I even jumped in joy and big bear hugs you - ohh and give you some kisses to your cheek that I missed so much. Do you even miss me?

I don't care, because I Love you!

I am not the only one who is happy with the situation, but my family as well! Even my lil' sister, that time still in KL also happy and we share the joy of it over Facebook. 

My next-door neighbours also excited about the return of you, my dear! Blessed they soul for giving your favourite food.. #happycry 😂

Wait a minute? Next-door neighbours, you say??

Yup... We share him...




Lovable Mr Bobbee...

NTGravity: Proudly adopted cat from the street [the mom actually]

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