
#APTHAT Day Two : Health, Eco and Travel Innovation

Hello... Hello...

The recall on my first day attending APTHAT Conference, Click [HERE].

Asia Pacific Tourism, Hospitality and Technology (APTHAT) Conference 2013 will provide a common platform to share the expertise of those who have already achieved success and for other participants, an opportunity to learn from them.

I'm loving every second of my life here... There's a lot of things I've learned and met lots of cool people.

Today we start off at 9am and the first speaker for today is Mr E.M. Najeed on Health Tourism and Its Business Potential in the Asia Pacific Region.

Mr E.M. Najeed is an expert and initiator for Public-Private Partnership in the tourism industry in Kerala. He is one of the frontline leaders, sculpturing the innovative Kerala Travel Mart Society, the mega promotional tool of the tourism industry in Kerala. He is a pioneer in tourism education and in tourism media who strategically projected South India as an important tourist destination.

Mr E.M. Najeed is also actively involved in youth empowerment, social activities and academics and he have received a lot of awards including the World Malayalee Council Business Award 2011 for his outstanding contribution to travel and tourism.

Mr Rohizam Md. Yusoff with his talk about, Travel and Innovation - Thinking Ahead of the Game.

Mr Rohizam is the Chief Executive Officer, Creative Advances Technology Sdn Bhd and many innovations of Mr Rohizam in the tourism and travel industry have earned him the title of e-Tourism Man.

If you're in the tourism industry, remember S.O.T.A. - Standard Online Tourism Architecture

Mr Albert Teo with his topic, Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism: Potentials, Pitfalls and Proposals right after a short tea break.

Mr Albert Teo is the Managing Director of Borneo Eco Tours and Sukau Rainforest Lodge has been in the tourism industry for the last thirty-six years.

Over the three decades, he has been a hotelier, tour operator, lodge and backpacker owner and operator, photographer, author, publisher, conference organizer, ecotourism consultant, speaker, lecturer and social entrepreneur. Albert is presently working on designing and building two new eco-lodges in Sabah.

A keen photographer, he has trekked over 1,000km in Borneo and published over 200 postcards designs, motivational bookmarks and Photo CDs of Borneo, published ten books including the best selling Sabah -Land of the Sacred Mountain, Journey through Borneo, Saving Paradise-The Story of Sukau Rainforest Lodge authored with Carol Patterson and the latest book, A Souvenir of Sabah Malaysian Borneo.

Before we go for a long lunch break, a photo session with the panel of speakers who are still there.

By the way, Thank you very much to Ms Gracie Geikie for this. It's Rainforest World music Festival: The Sarawak Success Story. Very nice behind-the-scene story.

Love this main dish! Actually the whole lunch set! Congrats to the Chefs and team.. 

Mr Masaru Takayama later, taking place on the stage to talk about Community-Based Ecotourism in Japan.

Currently, he is working as a global community-based ecotourism consultant, ecolodge advisor, and operates the tour agency called Spirit of Japan Travel in Kyoto.

Besides being the board member of the International Ecotourism Society, Mr Masaru Takayama also serves in other ecotourism societies both in Japan and overseas, mostly holding key positions.

I learn something new and it is very important, currently, in Japan, 50% of the population was aged over 65. The youth are increasingly want to leave their home (villages) because to pursue their passions in the city. Now remain in their villages is just the elderly people who just continue living the rest of their lives.

What will happen in 10 -20 years are thousands of villages will disappear from the map of Japan.

OMG... I still want to see my villages...

Now they are launching eco-tourism in rural communities which still remain and generate income through tourism and hospitality.

With her topic Social Media Power in Tourism Growth, Ms Selina Power took the stage with quick and funny ice-breaking games.

Meow and Woof game

Ice-breaking session

Ms Selina Power is a Social Media specialist and social media commentator for one of the top 20 Business Blogs in Australia Bluewire Media. She is also a writer for Business2Community, Innovation Social, and American blog Incentivize.

Ms Selina Power has been in the social media and digital marketing industry for more than six years and has worked with non-profit organizations and large commercial companies such as Facebook.

She owns two successful online companies and is also the guest lecturer on social media at QUT and Griffith University. Ms Selina Power also co-created the Social Media Planning Template which has been widely downloaded.

After our short tea break, it's time for Dr Edward Dramberger's workshop with his topic, Shifting Knowledge/Technology and Marketing Trends for the Future of Tourism.

Edward has more than 30 years of senior-level work and teaching experience within the hospitality and tourism field. His senior-level sales & marketing work experience includes Hotels.

He has travelled, lived and worked within the 7 Continents and 95 Countries; in search of the next Destination. He has published a book entitled “Destination Diaries” in 2013, which focuses on his unique travel experiences from around the world.

Last Master Class for APTHAT Conference by Dr Peter Ting with his topic Understanding Blue Ocean Strategies (BOS) for Strategic Marketing Planners.

Dr Peter Ting is the Managing Partner for UCSI Blue Ocean Strategy Regional Centre (UCSI BOSRC)  in China/HK and Taiwan. He is responsible to form strategic partnerships and develop new markets in the Middle Eastern, and  Asia-Pacific Regions. He is also heading the UCSI Leadership Development Centre, mandated to develop the Future Leaders of the UCSI Group as well as developing the Organizational Leadership Development Programs for his corporate clients.

After that, we all heading to Raintree restaurant for Pre-Dinner Networking Cocktail.

10 minutes head and shoulders massage service outside the restaurant is free to all participants.

Been there.... and I love it!!

Free flow of cocktail drinks is served

Free flow of mocktail drinks to non-alcoholic drinker.

By 7pm, we all head back to our meeting hall where the closing ceremony will be held. Also  attended by the Minister of Tourism Sarawak, YB Datuk Amar Abang Haji Tun Abang Haji Openg Zohari.

After that will be the closing dinner.

This is definitely not mine... 

RM2458 total for PATA Foundation was successfully collected as Donation for the Philippines due to Typhoon Haiyan.

Ms Gracie Geikie is handing over the donation to Mr Andrew Jones, Chairman of the Hospitality Committee of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)

Prof. Dr Ross K. Dowling OAM gives a short but concise summary of the conference to Datuk Amar.

YB Datuk Amar Abang Haji Johari Tun Abang Haji Openg closing ceremony speech.

Datuk Amar then presented gifts to all speakers.

Ms Gracie Geikie then presented a gift basket to YB Datuk Amar Abang Haji Johari Tun Abang Haji Openg.

next APTHAT on Nov 27-28, 2014 in Kuala Lumpur!

Representative from Travel and Tour World took advantage to interview Datuk Amar a while.

Last mingle...

It's time to go...

NTGravity: #APTHAT officially ends... Thank you APTHAT for having me. Another notch in my 2013 great memory!

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