
#APTHAT Day One : The Other Side Of Social Media

Hello hello...

NTGravity Zone (which is under the Sarawak Bloggers community)  was invited to attend the conference for the first time at the Borneo Convention Centre Kuching, which began on 21 November 2013 for two days.

The inaugural Asia Pacific Tourism, Hospitality and Technology (APTHAT) Conference 2013 is truly addresses the needs and trends of tourism and hospitality in the Asia Pacific region. Technology has driven tourism and hospitality to new heights and has reached masses in the areas of communications, technology development and support tools, product innovation and trends across the globe. Along with the positive growth nodes the industry has also seen new challenges arising such as environmental and green issues in business operations.

APTHAT 2013 Conference will provide a common platform to share the expertise of those who have already achieved success and for other participants, an opportunity to learn from them.

Entering the meeting room after done with my registration
Courtesy from APTHAT Facebook

Courtesy from APTHAT Facebook

Two day pass to the conference and workshops

arrival of YB Dato' Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Abdul Aziz, Minister of Tourism and Culture Malaysia

Welcoming address by Project Director of APTHAT 2013, Ms Gracie Geikie

Ms Gracie Geikie in her welcoming speech said that the conference was the first organized after thorough research and studies carried out for a year and a half to find topics related to the tourism industry. The organizers had studied several issues related to the tourism industry and identified the needs that should be given priority and that will be covered in this conference.

Before ending her speech, Ms Gracie said that UCOMMS will be placing a donation box for the PATA Foundation Philippines Relief Campaign during this two days conference. The campaign is for the victims of typhoon Haiyan in Cebu, Philippines. All donation collected at the conference will be handed over to Mr Andrew Jones, he is an executive board member of Pacific Asia Travel Associations (PATA) at the end of the day during the closing ceremony.

Dato Seri in his official opening speech has said, 
"Malaysia has received a total of 18.8 million foreign tourists compared with 18.2 million last year and the national income from tourism revenue increased by 9.6 per cent from RM42.4 billion to RM46.4 billion during the same period."
He officially announced that APTHAT conference, which was organized by UCOMMS will be held every year and not only in Kuching, but will be organized at other locations around Malaysia in an effort to support the tourism industry in the country.

Dato Seri Mohamed Nazri after that blow a traditional blowpipe to the balloon as a symbolic opening of the Asia Pacific Tourism, Hospitality and Technology (APTHAT) Conference 2013.

Director-General of Tourism Malaysia, YB Dato' Mirza Mohammad Taiyab giving his keynote address speech.

After that, we have 15 minutes tea break before the first session begin.

FIRST SESSION: Cruising's Global Growth and It's relevance for the Asia-Pacific Region by Prof. Dr Ross K. Dowling OAM.

He's talked about cruise ship tourism especially in the Asia Pacific region. 

SECOND SESSION: Social Models of Tourist Communities: Tweet Tourism and Beyond by Dr Madanmohan Rao.

Which level are you?

after Lunch break around 2pm THIRD SESSION started by Mr Duncan Bureau on Success Story - Performance of MAS.

Really exciting! Never really know about the airlines business until now!  

Up next for the FOURTH SESSION: Sustainable Tourism Practices & Attitude for the Hospitality Industry by Mr Andrew Jones.

Mr Andrew Jones grew up in the hotel business, as his parents managed Country Inns and Restaurants in the United Kingdom. Over the past 40 years, Mr Jones has worked in a number of senior management and corporate positions in prestigious hotels, resorts and management companies in London, Bermuda, Canada and several countries in Asia.

In 1996, Mr Andrew Jones started a new journey when he founded and became the guardian of Sanctuary Resorts, a company that offers responsible and sustainable tourism experiences where people can balance their body, mind and spirit in an environmentally friendly space.

Prior to that, Mr Jones was the Director, Asia Pacific Affairs for the International Hotel and Restaurant Association and a member of the Board of the Indian Ocean Tourism Organization. He is also a Certified Hotel Administrator of the American Hotel and Lodging Association and a Fellow of the Institute of Hospitality.

He is a leading proponent of Corporate Social Responsibility and Wellness in Tourism, and a knowledgeable Key Speaker, Moderator and Panelist on matters of Responsible and Sustainable Tourism at many Hotel, Environment and Social Enterprise Forums and Conferences, as well as Universities and Vocational Schools.

Mr Andrew Jones is Chairman of the Hospitality Committee of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), and a member of the PATA Executive Board. In addition, Mr Jones is Advisor on CSR and Responsible and Sustainable Tourism for PATA, and also a member of the World Travel Market World Responsible Tourism Day Advisory Panel.

He believes indirectly contributing to the community in which he lives, being Chairman Emeritus of the KELY (Kid’s Everywhere Like You) Support Group, a Past President of the Rotary Club of Kowloon, and a supporter of numerous other Charitable organizations and Social Ventures in Hong Kong.

After tea break -  another session with Dr Madanmohan Rao. This workshop is the continuation of the topic of this morning which is Social Media - Opportunities and Challenges in Tourism Marketing.

The last session of the first day is a Master Class and the speakers that evening was Mr Dylan Redas Noel on the Role of PCO's in Business Tourism Development for the Destination.

Mr Dylan Redas Noel is the Director of Research for the Sarawak Convention Bureau and also one of the pioneering staff who established what would become a driver of the future success of Sarawak's meeting industry.

Upon completion of the master class that lasts an hour, APTHAT conference adjourned for today and will resume tomorrow with other speakers and on different topics as well.

It's gonna rain for sure!

NTGravity: Can't wait for tomorrow sessions!

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