
Truly Miss Him... (TT__ TT) <-- crying face...

I've lost him... 

It's been five days, he didn't come home..but I've missed him already... suddenly I remember how he always catches my heart with his antics.. when he needed me to pampered him... all the kisses and hugs that we always exchanged... It's so hurting... even though it only 5 days just past anything can happen... and sadly, I didn't have the chance to say goodbye...

For almost three years we've been living together - share every moment in our life... Make me reminiscence about you and your spoilt brat attitude.. my tender hugs and touch... I'm not even stingy to give it to you... I want it too... sometimes I did scold you but it never stays long in my heart... My God~!!!

I think I just did it again.. putting so much hope and taking you for granted that you will never leave me... just like my previous boyfriend... but you - you never a boyfriend to me... you are my true love of my live~! I've cried so hard just because I missed you...

I want to stay positive that you will come back to me... but my heart told me to stop put hope... as you are the most charming creature alive...

I really prayed for your safety, my dear... and that you will be loved and treated way better than my family and I did...

I love you... Mr Bobbee...You will be truly missed...

NTGravity: hard to replace...


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